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Top 7 Vegetables To Include In Your Diet To Burn Belly Fat

Belly fat isn’t just an eyesore and severely impacts our self-image as well as our confidence, moreover, it is harmful for health. Some scientific studies and research have pointed towards belly fat as being an indication of increased risk of diabetes, heart diseases and other complications. A lot of people struggle to lose the pesky fat that refuses to leave our bellies and with our lifestyles becoming more and more sedentary, our waistlines can only be expected to increase. But, getting rid of belly fat isn’t as much about doing crunches every day, as it is about eating healthy. There are some healthy foods that have natural belly fat burning abilities and consuming these foods can help you melt away that fat from your abdomen and achieve your goals naturally. Most of these foods pack a rich range of antioxidants that help boost overall health too. Instead of investing in ’empty’ calories, it is a good time to revamp your diet and think about foods that are not only low in calories but are a bundle of nutrition too.

Vegetables and fruits have a lot of fibre and are full of nutrition like essential minerals and vitamins that may help your body improve metabolism and subsequently burn belly fat. Including these in your diet may help you not just in your weight loss journey, but also to live a long and healthy life. The phrase “abs are made in the kitchen” is not an exaggeration and including these fat-burning veggies in your diet will help you reach your body goals faster. Vegetables are brimming with fibre, which help to fill you up. Since fibre takes a while to digest and hence, prevent you from overeating. Local, seasonal vegetables are also a good source of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for a healthy lifestyle.

Here Are Some Of The Best Vegetables That You Can Include In Your Diet To Lose Belly Fat Quickly:

1. Spinach And Other Leafy Greens

Spinach and other leafy green vegetables like kale, lettuce, etc. are great for burning belly fat and are very nutritious as well. There have been some studies done on the subject of the fat burning capabilities of spinach and the very healthy veggie has come out a winner in this category. Add a little cooked or blanched spinach to your breakfast or lunch to set your body on track for some major fat burn.

2. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are delicious and loved by vegetarians and non-vegetarians, alike. They have even started making appearance as an ingredient in coffees to increase their nutritional value. Mushrooms have been known to promote weight loss and fat burn by regulating the levels of glucose in the blood. Added bonus? They’re rich in protein and can help you increase your metabolism, resulting in fat loss.

3. Cauliflower And Broccoli

Apart from high-quality fibre and a host of health-boosting minerals and vitamins, broccoli contains phytochemicals that help enhance fat loss in the body. The same goes for cauliflower. Apart from being filling, cauliflower helps fight bloating and contains phytonutrient sulforaphane, as well as good amounts of folate and vitamin C.

4. Chillies

A lot of health freaks swear by chilli peppers for burning fat. Recent studies have demonstrated that the heat generated by consumption of chillies helps utilise more calories and essentially oxidises layers of fat in the body. But, if you don’t like the burn of the chilli peppers, all non-hot varieties of the fruit may also do the trick, as they contain ‘capsaicin,’ which is responsible for burning fat.

5. Pumpkin

Low in calories and high in fibre, pumpkin is one of the best vegetables to include in your weight loss diet. Whether you like to blanch it and eat it in salads or add pumpkin powder to your smoothies and vegetable drinks, pumpkin can help you reach your body goals quicker.

6. Carrots

Carrots are one of the best low-calorie vegetables to include in your weight loss diet. Carrots are rich in both soluble and insoluble fibre and, hence, fit the bill perfectly when it comes to healthy weight loss. Blend it with other fruits or vegetables to make a healthy, nutrient-rich fat burn juice, or stir-fry it along with your meat dishes to make this veggie work its magic on you.

7. Beans

Beans are one of the healthiest foods you can consume, but they are specifically great for belly fat loss as they are rich in soluble fibre, which fights inflammation that cause belly fat accumulation. Some studies have linked the consumption of beans to a reduced risk of obesity.

Exercises that the expert recommends to reduce butt fat

Losing fat from the butt is a common fitness goal. There are many ways a person can achieve this.

1. Sprint for lower-body strength

Running on the treadmill or on solid ground will burn calories, rev up your metabolism and strengthen your quadriceps, calves, glutes, and hamstrings.

How to do it: Run at a high speed on a treadmill or flat ground for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat. Continue this for at least 10 minutes. You should be running fast enough that you are tired, but not completely exhausted, by the end of each 30-second sprint.

2. Bodyweight Squats

Squats are one of the best exercises to reduce the buttocks. Turn up the intensity on your legs with high-rep bodyweight squats. Do five sets of 20 reps.

How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, like you’re sitting down on a chair, bending your knees, and sinking your butt down. Try to keep your torso as upright as possible. Go as low as you can and then stand back up straight.

3. Lunges

The lunge may seem simple, but it’s an effective move for toning up your rear.

How to do it: Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a big step forward with one leg. Drop your back knee down until it’s an inch above the ground.

Step up with your back foot so that your feet are together again, and then lunge forward with the other leg. Keep alternating legs until you’ve done 10 lunges on each leg.

4. Stair Climbing

Step away from elevators and escalators! Climb the stairs whenever you can to burn calories and improve fitness. Climbing steps employs more muscles than walking, jogging, or running on a flat surface. Climbing steps involve glutes and provide accurate conditioning of quads and hamstrings too. It is one of the best exercises to reduce butt.

How to do it: You can use a stepping machine in a gym or use stairs even when there is a lift available. Plus you can go for a hike.

Don’t forget to keep a check on what you eat

Nutrition plays an important role in losing fat and a simple method to lose fat is to be in a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than you are burning. It doesn’t matter how many kilometres you run, how many squats and lunges you do, to lose fat you need to be in a calorie deficit which cannot be achieved without focusing on your nutrition.

The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About Health

5 Big Reasons Why You Should Start Your Day With Regular Workout

For many people, burning some calories have become the biggest challenge in life which is the easiest way of living a healthy lifestyle. Nobody can spend on buying new clothes just because of the constant raise in weight. It is more challenging to shred those pounds you accumulated on some parts of your body all these years.

With the increasing awareness among the people, fitness has become the foremost priority in everyone’s life. To stay healthy, you will be advised to start your day with regular workout so that you can easily maintain a healthy lifestyle without feeling the burden of too much weight all around your body.

From healthier heart to the perfect bikini body, regular workout is quite effective as it gives visible results to each & everyone devoting approx. an hour every morning to the regular workout.

Kickstarts your Metabolism

Regular workout during the morning hours kick start your metabolism and keeps it elevated for hours. This way, your metabolism will start working increasingly which seems to be very effective for burning more calories. This is quite a convincing reason to try regular workout and get your engine running all day long.

Clears your Mind

It is also shown in a study that regular workouts significantly increasing the mental acuity. Morning exercises clears your mind and put you in a healthy mental state. Your regular day starts with a healthy mind and body destroys your elevated stress level and suppresses the chance of getting upset.

Regulates Appetite

Many people observe that morning exercise regulates their appetite throughout the day. Not only such people eat less as the ideal time devotion diminishes appetite. They always pick the healthier option to curb their craving. Such people discover the ideal meal times with a serious dip in energy levels.

Increases Disciplined Lifestyle

Everyday workout gives you a gratifying feel of realizing that you have done something good for your health. It gives a great deal of motivation and encourages to live this way as your morning can drastically bring a change to your living style. You will feel focused on adopting the healthy lifestyle with this regular practice.

Mental Alertness

Regular workouts will make your mind more alert and active even when you have to take a challenge of the most difficult task of your life. it will be better to deal with the battles you often presented at work. In increases your mental ability to work for four to ten hours after an hour or two exercise.

These major benefits motivate to start your day with regular workout so that you can easily live a healthy and wealthy life.

Nutrition rules to get stronger and build muscle

How Do I Get My Body In Shape?

Think less: If the act of thinking is lowering your momentum down, stop.

Focus on small tasks that will get you to the gym. Focus on just tying the shoes. Then focus on getting in the car. Minimize your field of view to lower your mental resistance.

Think More: imagine your belly getting fatter. Think about your last unhealthy meal. Imagine that food slowly converting to fat.

Flip it. Envision yourself looking good naked.Envision impressing your partner with your body.

Don’t overthink it: exercise is a simple endeavor at its core. Effort x frequency.

Remember – the first 5 minutes of the workout is usually the hardest.

Workout first thing in the morning before you have time to talk yourself out of it.

Men usually need to do more cardio in addition to lifting. (You won’t lose muscle. Relax. You can do more cardio than you think.)

Women usually need to lift heavier in addition to cardio. (You won’t get too big. Relax. Rarely do women have genes that turn them into Amazon Bodybuilders. Also, men like an athletic look more than you realize.)

Divide and Conquer Fat: When you order a sandwich, eat half. Wait an hour or two. Then eat the other half. Even if it is the same #of calories consumed, eating meals in halves separated by time will rapidly knock a few lbs off your waist. (it tells your body that you have steady nutrition, so the body doesn’t think it needs to store fat.)

Set goals. Track goals. That which gets measured gets done.

Put a scale in your bathroom. Weigh yourself everyday. No exceptions.

Do fun activities to supplement your primary workout.

Go for walks. Do yoga. Go rock climbing. Go horseback riding.

Go play in the pool. Go play with your dogs. Do both.

Financially commit: sign up for a year membership, a personal trainer. Create barriers that will punish laziness.

Learn to daydream during difficult parts of the workout: take your mind to a place that frees you from focus on the physical strain. I learned this from years of swimming.

Show off. Go on Instagram. Post pictures of your progress. Mirror selfie away. Get encouragement. Get the thirst comments. Drink them. You earned them.

Do whatever you have to do to get yourself off the couch, in the gym, and away from the damn refrigerator.

Safety Tips for Yoga Beginners

Trying to force yourself into a yoga posture your body is not ready for, or not flexible enough for, could prove disastrous. Yoga is meant to be a nurturing form of exercise, not a rigid imitation of poses. You can stretch and strengthen your body without having to touch your nose to your knees, or your feet to your head.


Popular Links Following are suggested ways to help you in your yoga practice:

Style – Practice gentle forms of yoga, such as Kripalu, Viniyoga, or Integral Yoga. Bikram, Ashtanga and Power Yoga are generally too vigorous for beginners and inflexible people.

Your Instructor – Find an instructor who is experienced, certified and cares about your physical imitations. He or she can modify the pace or perhaps offer alternative poses to meet your specific needs. In addition, never let an instructor try to force your body into any pose. Practice the “hands off” approach!

Warm Up –
 Get in ten minutes of warming up with easy movements to increase circulation, lubricate joins and ready your body to stretch. You want the poses to progress from simple to more difficult.

Poses to Avoid – The plow, full shoulder stand, headstand and full lotus. These poses can place tremendous strain on joints and disks.


Protect Your Back – Keep your knees slightly bent and hinge from your hips when you bend forward from any standing position. For arching backwards, concentrate on opening the front of the body by lengthening from the navel to the sternum. Be careful not to over-arch your lower back, as this will compress the lumbar disks.

Protect Your Knees – Never lock your knees when in a standing posture. If you feel any strain while doing sitting or kneeling postures, place a cushion or folded blanket under your bottom.

Your Neck – Be sure you keep your neck in alignment with the rest of your spine at all times, especially when arching backwards. Be careful not to allow your neck to drop back or down.

Enjoy your yoga practice and you are sure to reap the rewards. You will know when you are ready to take it a step further, or perhaps you will be happy right where you are at. Let your body be your guide. Get to know it and its injury-prone areas and back off from any movements that causes pain or cramping. And above all, never compare yourself to others!

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a complete science of life that originated in India many thousands of years ago. It is the oldest system of personal development in the world, encompasing body, mind and spirit. Anyone can practise yoga, you don’t need any special yoga equipment or yoga clothes. All you need to practise yoga is, a small space and a desire for a healthier, happier and more fulfilled life.

Yoga exercises every part of the body, stretching and toning the muscles and joints, the spine and the entire skeletal system.

Benefits of Yoga:

  • Develops a fit, toned and healthy body
  • Increases flexibility
  • Strengthens the abs, back and stabilizer muscles
  • Stretches, strengthens and relaxes your body
  • When modified, is gentle enough for pregnant women, yet challenging enough for advanced exercisers.
  • Improves breathing and reduces stress
  • Increases power of concerntration
  • Improves overall health
  • Is a fantastic compliment to any exercise program
Yoga can also provide the same benefits as any well-designed exercise program, increasing general health and stamina, reducing stress, and improving those conditions brought about by sedentary lifestyles.

Yoga has the added advantage of being a low-impact activity that uses only gravity as resistance, which makes it an excellent physical therapy routine; certain yoga postures can be safely used to strengthen and balance all parts of the body.


Yoga – How to Get Started!
There are many types of yoga classes and yoga styles ranging from Bhakti Yoga, 
Hatha Yoga, Jnana or Sankya Yoga, Karma Yoga, Mantra Yoga and Raja Yoga which make up the six priciple branches of yoga that is practiced. Other styles of yoga incorporate some of the principles from the above mentioned yoga branches.

Alot of yoga schools, yoga instructors and yoga classes teach different yoga styles. It’s up to you to determine which style you are going to be most comfortable doing.

It’s most likely there will be a Yoga class or yoga course run in your local area. You can often find yoga classes and yoga courses at your local Gym or Health Club, at local Yoga Schools , or at your local community centre.

The Yoga Directory
The GoYoga.com.au Yoga Directory features Australia’s leading Yoga instructors, Yoga classes and Yoga schools. Use the Yoga Directory to find a yoga class in your local area and give yoga a go! You should be able to find a yoga class in all major cities in Australia, including Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin and the Gold Coast.

Want more Information on Yoga?
Read some yoga articles, watch a yoga video or yoga dvd to get a better understanding of the benefits of yoga. There are many types of yoga exercises ranging from beginner yoga, using a yoga mat to perform exercises, to intermediate yoga and yoga exercises.

Yoga For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a physical as well as mental experience. Women often becomes hyper aware of all the changes their bodies are going through. Yoga allows pregnant women to adapt to these changes more gracefully and to feel proud and a sense of appreciation for their bodies. Yoga exercises can increase flexibility, strength, circulation and balance. Many pregnant women find that regular yoga exercises help to reduce swelling, back and leg pain, and insomnia.


However, Yoga must be practised very carefully among pregnant women, as improper exercises will bring negative effect on both moms and babies. Here are some tips for pre-natal pregnancy Yoga practise:

1. The general yoga exercises are recommended for the first 2 months. You must consult your doctor and find very experienced Yoga teachers. With proper guidance, you can practice some yoga right into labor. If you new to yoga then you should start slowly.

2. Breathing exercises are beneficial if done twice a day. The breathing exercises provide more oxygen and energy both to the mother and the child.

3. Some yoga poses that can help a pregnant women dealing with the symptoms of pregnancy, ensuring smoother and easier delivery, and faster recovery after childbirth. Pregnant women should pay attention not to overstretch the body – the ligaments around the joints become loose and soft during pregnancy. The abdomen should stay relaxed at all times. Difficult and poses that put pressure on the abdomen and other should NOT be done during advance stages of Pregnancy. No any kind of pain or nausea should be felt during and/or after yoga. If this happens, you should stop yoga practise and contact your GP.


4. When carrying out standing poses with your heels to the wall or use a chair for support to avoid losing your balance and risking injury to both you and your baby.

5. Deep relaxation is crucial to give rest to body and mind, and you will benefit more from a good sleep. Deep relaxation helps the nerve system change from sympathetic to parasympathetic activity. Parasympathetic activity is associated with the restorative processes of the body, which is needed both by the pregnant woman and the child.

We also strongly recommend regular morning and evening walks. Yoga is very individual.

Nude Yoga – What You Should Know About Naked Yoga

Yoga and meditation are popular since ancient times. Contrary to common belief, yoga is not just a set of different poses; it is a complete set of self discipline. Not only does it keeps you physically fit but also uplifts you spiritually. Yoga in literal terms means “union” i. e union of human soul with God. Asana (postures) are a way to keep your mind and body in perfect condition which helps you connect with the God.

Nude Yoga

This is a self explanatory term. Nude yoga simply means performing yogic Asansas without wearing any clothes. The postures (asana) are not any different from normal yogic postures. However the person performing naked yoga must be comfortable with this form of exercise.

Practice of this form of exercise started in 1960s. With the popularity of this form of yoga, many people started joining naked yoga classes. Aaron Star became an underground sensation when his Hot Nude Yoga that hit the market in 2001. Unintentionally Naked yoga is often associated with gay communities but it has nothing to do with gays

Motivating Force behind Naked Yoga

Naked Yoga is for those who want to break society’s norms. They want to explore their freedom by going without clothes. Moreover they accept the imperfections of their body and they do are not ashamed of it. Unlike other cultural changes, nude yoga took a long time before becoming popular.

Naked Yoga and Sex

There is a lot of difference between nude yoga and sexuality. The purpose of this form of yoga is to go beyond the perceived boundaries of the society. Gaining physical and mental fitness by performing asana in completely natural state is a new experience for naked yoga practitioner. It promotes a sense of openness among the participants and helps them accept the physical imperfections instead of hiding them.

Naked Yoga Etiquettes

As it is an uncommon form of yoga, there are a few etiquettes that must be adhered to:

• Do not hesitate in removing clothes if you have joined nude yoga class
• It is impolite to stare at your classmates. You must be comfortable while making others comfortable
• This is not easy. In fact it is somewhat tougher than normal yogic practice and meditation.
• Understand the difference between nudity and sexuality. This form of yogic practice has nothing to do with sexuality. You must not hesitate in asking questions.
• Do not forget to bring your own mat and towel.

Facts One Need to Know About International Yoga Day

It is a day of reckoning for the Indian-origin breath exercise Yoga. After careful deliberation, the Indian government could convince the international body United Nations to celebrate the beautiful yogic exercise to establish a state of sound health in people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition, the state of sound health can be achieved only when there is a constructive balance between body and mind. The premises of yoga begin from there. Through a series of breathing and physical exercise, it brings harmony between the mind and the body. It does not matter whether a yogi is from a different faith or not. What matters is how these exercises are done by that person.

Growing Popularity

Ever since the beginning of the 1980s, people from India have taken the principles of yoga to different countries and demonstrated to people living there. Over 30+ years, there has been a steady growth in the number of people who practice yoga at home and in the workplace. Many masters of this primordial exercise have customized the principles of yoga to meet the requirements of people in different countries. While transforming the basic tenets of yoga exercise to meet the needs of the customers, these masters have kept the cultural sensitivities in mind. These masters have been hugely responsible for the growing popularity of this exercise that aims to restore the healthy balance between body and mind. Other countries of the world have slowly begun to acknowledge the positive effects of body-mind exercise. Even the most conservative countries from the Gulf region have begun to embrace the body-mind exercise to reap its health benefits. This is especially true of countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Designation of International Yoga Day

Immediately after coming to power, the Indian government under the leadership of Narendra Modi took steps to elicit the views of other countries about Yoga. Over 3 months, the government took the feedback about the popularity of this ancient exercise. Armed with the huge volume of data, Narendra Modi addressed the United Nations General Assembly and requested the world countries to support the Indian government’s initiative to spread the message of yoga as an exercise to more countries. He told that the more than 6000-year-old Indian body-mind exercise can be used as a holistic medicine in a stricter sense. He showed the member countries the statistics of the positive change this exercise brings in the lives of people after adopting it. The member countries hurdled over it and gave their nod for designating a day for Yoga internationally. Henceforth, the world body ratified an agreement to designate June 21 as the International Yoga Day.

First International Yoga Day

On June 21, 2015, India joined the growing number of world countries to take an oath to further the cause of yoga for the establishment of a world where there are lesser health issues. On that day, the Government of India unraveled a website dedicated to the cause of yoga. It is maintained by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. On this day, various yoga instructors world over conduct classes, seminars, and practical sessions on a yearly basis for the benefit of the general public. This is done free of cost so that people get a glimpse of yoga. In India, people are organizing a large yoga exercise on a grand scale so that people from all walks of life can drop in and participate in it. The followers of Ram Dev also organize big events to conduct yoga exercises for the benefit of people on this day every year. Other spiritual gurus also do their part on this day to spread the awareness of yoga in our country.


Here’s a Quick Way to Learn the Basic Principles of Yoga

Yoga is a method of exercise that can be practiced by anyone. The basic principle of yoga is to use the body in a way that is free from tension and stress. It is also a healthy form of exercise.

Yoga involves three major areas of focus, the mind, the body, and the spirit. We can apply all three to our lives and achieve great health and well-being.

Yoga will focus on the mind, as it is the area of the body where concentration and mental preparation are required to perform a physical practice. The mind needs to be centered on the physical body, or the practice will not go according to plan. Meditation can focus the mind on what you are doing. It will help bring your focus to that area of the body that you want to concentrate on.

By meditating, you can open your mind to the world outside yourself. It allows you to focus on what is useful for you. It helps prepare the mind for work or play. It is very helpful when you are stressed and may be ready to cry.

The next part of yoga is to perform physical practice. The practice is going to bring the focus to the various body parts of the body. Some yoga practices include the balancing of the body as well as balancing the spine. The focus is on the strength of the different areas of the body. This strength can be used for the well-being of the person.

The focus on the different body parts allows the mind to have time to calm down and be able to focus on a single part of the body, which can be a mental problem or simply relaxes the body. If the body feels tense, it can release the tension through the various body parts.

Through these steps, the mind can be relaxed enough to concentrate on other things. The body will then feel free to do what it wants, such as using your hands to roll a ball back and forth.

Most people experience stiffness in their bodies as they age. A practice such as yoga can help avoid stiffness and improve mobility.

The third aspect of yoga practice is the focus on the spirit. The mental focus and the spiritual aspects of yoga can both bring peace of mind and comfort to the person.

Through the spiritual side of yoga practice, the focus is on maintaining balance and harmony with the natural world. Through the breathing, the breathing, and meditation, the focus can be focused on calmness and contemplation.

Nature can bring us closer to God. Nature can give us clarity and insight. Through yoga, the focus can be on peace, tranquility, and a calm mind.

Finding Ways to Relieve Stress Through Yoga

Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and improve overall physical and mental health. Here are some ways to use yoga to relieve stress:

  1. Practice deep breathing: Start your yoga practice with deep breathing exercises, such as pranayama, to help calm your mind and relax your body.
  2. Incorporate gentle yoga poses: Gentle yoga poses such as child’s pose, seated forward bend, and legs up the wall can help release tension and calm your mind.
  3. Practice yoga regularly: Incorporate yoga into your daily routine to build a consistent practice and help manage stress over time.
  4. Try different types of yoga: There are many different types of yoga, such as Hatha, Vinyasa, and Restorative, each with their own benefits. Try different types to find what works best for you.
  5. Use props: Yoga props such as blocks, straps, and bolsters can help support your body and make poses more accessible and comfortable.
  6. Practice mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your yoga practice, such as focusing on the present moment, to help quiet your mind and reduce stress.
  7. Join a yoga class: Joining a yoga class can provide support, motivation, and guidance in your yoga practice.

Remember to listen to your body and modify poses as needed to ensure your practice is safe and comfortable. Always consult your healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise program, especially if you have any health conditions or injuries.

Yoga: Excellent Exercise to Get Several Health Benefits

Yoga is considered as a best remedy to various diseases. It is an ancient science which comprises of various pranayama and asana. These yoga mudras are basically the exercises that provide flexibility to the body. Doing these exercises on a regular basis helps in upgrading the health standards.

The drastic change in the lifestyle has given birth to various diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, stress, etc. These diseases are ruining the life of millions of people. Yoga harbors various asana and pranayama that can easily control and cure these diseases.

The philosophy of yoga is very simple. It states that proper balance between mind and soul is essential in getting perfect health standards. This balance can be achieved by performing yoga poses. These postures help a lot in achieving proper balance among different elements of life.

What we practice is actually hatha yoga. It is that branch of yoga, which deals with the exercises that provide strength to nerves, muscles and bones. The main working principle behind this is that doing yoga asana provides flexibility and stretching to the body. This reduces the negative work force of the body and also improves blood flow through the nerves. This improved blood flow eventually results in providing essential nourishment to the body tissues. Thus providing strength to the nerves, muscles and bones.

One very popular yoga pose is Bow Pose or Dhanushasana. It is very effective in providing strength to the spinal cord and back portion. The people suffering from back pain should perform this asana in order to get relief from pain. In this, the aspirants have to lie prone and have to bend in the form of the bow. The effect of this is that it provides flexibility and improves blood circulation. This eventually provides full strength to the bones, muscles and nerves.

There are several other poses that are very useful in providing strength to the muscles and bones. These poses when practiced on a regular basis help a lot in improving the health standards.

But to gain maximum benefits, it is mandatory to do yoga asana in a proper manner. So, learning asana and pranayama is essential in order to achieve maximum level of fitness. There are several yoga schools that are offering yoga classes. In these classes, the yoga experts provide comprehensive information about yoga. They also provide information on how to do yoga pranayama and asana.

The yoga aspirants should first join the yoga classes in order to learn pranayama and asana. These classes certainly help in infusing the knowledge about yoga in the aspirants.

Five Most Common Mistakes Yoga Practitioners Make and How to Avoid Them

Yoga has become a popular exercise these days. More and more people are switching to Yoga to enhance their physical, emotional and psychological wellness. June 21st is now celebrated as International Yoga Day. Rishikesh, The yoga capital of the world, attracts people from all over the world seeking solace and peace from their busy and hectic lives. There are several yoga schools teaching yoga to students all over India, especially in Rishikesh. Despite its popularity, there are several mistakes that people commit while learning Yoga.

We list down 5 top mistakes that yoga practitioners make –

1. Becoming too Excited

Generally, people become too excited while learning Yoga, but their enthusiasm wanes with time. There is nothing wrong in becoming excited per se; however, too much excitement might become a roadblock in your yoga journey. Having realistic expectations and setting realistic goals help to avoid disappointment later on. Having realistic goals will help you plan your journey properly and achieve success in the longer run.

2. Setting Unrealistic Expectations

Most often people set unrealistic expectations and hence, face disappointment later. They become overexcited and hence set over-ambitious targets. You must always set realistic goals that you can easily achieve without any major problems. Due to unmet expectations, a lot of people give up too early and never achieve the desired results.

3. Learning through self-help Books

Learning yoga is a serious business. You can’t learn Yoga on your own, and hence, need a qualified expert. Many people try to learn Yoga through self-help books and think that they can master all the techniques from books. But they don’t achieve the desired results. Yoga should only be learnt from experts and qualified Yoga practitioners.

4. Becoming Complacent

Most often people become too complacent and never try to go beyond their own limits. They become satisfied with the little results they get initially and never try to achieve optimum results. Hence, you must always set realistic and ambitious goals, and never become satisfied with little results.

5. Irregular Practice

Many people cite the lack of time for not practising yoga regularly. They either quit their yoga practice or don’t practice on a regular basis. To get the desired results, you must always follow a disciplined schedule and practice Yoga on a daily basis. This requires patience, discipline and sincerity.

Advanced Yoga Asanas and Their Benefits

Practicing advanced yoga poses requires more energy, power and elasticity of the body than it does for simple and intermediate poses. If you have mastered basic balances, bends, twists, stretches and inversions then you are ready for advanced yoga postures. The Crow, Crane and Peacock poses can be practiced after some strength of the arms is attained. Crow pose invigorates the body, centralizes energy of the mind and brings an absolute calm and strength. Crane pose makes you self-sufficient and powerful inside. Peacock position benefits the digestive organs as the blood is concentrated towards them and their condition becomes better. The exercise is a good treatment for obesity, piles and constipation. Flying Crow and Firefly asanas too work out the arms.

Once your legs are strengthened you can take the Monkey pose. It is good for stretching the hamstrings and groin. Pigeon posture is practiced standing. It widens the pelvic area, stimulates liquidity and fluidity of the body. King Dancer asana is also performed standing. It enhances the body’s balance, makes legs strong and gives a stretch to the back. Before a standing asana allow yourself a few moments to ‘center’ by standing with your feet apart, palms placed in prayer position in front of the heart. Then inhale through your nose and exhale out the mouth. This will enable the muscles to relax and adopt a pose easily. Centering also helps you develop poise and focus.

Being a yoga student, you will achieve a well balanced and coordinated body after regular practice. This will help you with advanced asanas and also in your day-to day- life; reaching for or lifting heavy things or moving in a crowded place without causing any harm to your body. Reverse pose requires steadiness. It maintains youth and vitality of your body and prevents premature aging from taking place. Its effects manifest in fresh and wrinkle-free skin. This exercise is also good for the working of the thyroid gland. Headstand, commonly known as the king of asanas brings many rewards. It cures nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, even fear and boredom. It improves the circulation of blood and stimulates organs and glands. Memory is helped by it. Generally, physical and mental health is restored by this asana.

Wheel pose is a challenging advanced posture that requires and builds up elasticity of the upper back, arms and shoulders. It makes the torso powerful. It also acts as a tonic for the whole body especially the cardiovascular system. Initially if you have difficulty in performing the pose, you can try its Bridge variation. With this adapted posture you will stretch your spinal column and ease the tautness felt in the upper back and shoulders. Once the body becomes supple, you can experiment Wheel pose and increase its duration and the number of times you practice it. Camel pose is also recommended later in your yoga routine. This is also a great exercise for elongation of the spine, shoulders, arms and muscles of the back. Always remember not to overdo and exhaust yourself, pain is an indication to stop.

Know How Yoga Can Amazingly Improve Your Sexual Life

The benefits of Yoga are a no brainer. They range from improving the mind-body connection, weight loss or gain, improving body posture, stretching muscles, relaxing your senses and inculcating positive mindset. Furthermore, there is one more surprising benefit which comes in the form of a boost to your sexual life. Yes, you read that right! Apart from being an ancient art of keeping your body balanced, Yoga helps you with a mind-blowing sex too.

After all, yoga is all about gaining energies and thus it pumps up the sex desire in you.

Let’s discover the Yoga’s deeper relation with sex drive:

Yoga and sex have quite a good relation, even if that is not a much talked about topic. Yoga helps increase blood flow to the genital area and leaves a direct impact on your sex drive. According to Ekhart Yoga, the Yoga practice helps get rid of body toxins which hinder your sex performance.

Moreover, the diet you follow pertaining to the practice of yoga also helps you gain a better sex life with your partner.

Body Flexibility

If you do regular Yoga, you might know that every Yoga asana targets one or multiple of your muscles. Few Yoga asanas even require all of your muscles to stretch and move.The stretching helps you to enhance the flexibility of your body. So, more flexible your body is, the more you can perform between the sheets.

There is no denial; sex is all about experimenting new moves and yoga gives you enough thrust to try all of them.

Improved Satisfaction

Have you heard about kegal exercise? These are the exercises solely meant for genital area and the standing Yoga asana even give the benefits of kegal exercise, apart from stretching your whole body. Consequently, it results in giving you much stronger orgasms. So that’s one of the many incentives you come across.

Gets pelvis in action

Yoga not only renders the benefits of kegal exercise but also strengthens your pelvic muscles. The pelvic muscles help in making the sex more vigorous. There are various Yoga exercises that work to make your pelvic floor tight and strong. Consequently, it helps women in getting great orgasm.

Increases the blood flow

Yoga increases the blood flow in your veins and organs of your body. And this blood flow increase revives your lost desire for sex.

The rise in blood flow rejuvenates your body from within giving you a glowing skin and healthy mind. So, go for Yoga and let your sex drive shoot up.

Smarter Sex Positions

Did you know that certain yogic poses can double up as splendid sex positions that can help deeper penetration and make up for the missing wow factor in your sexual life? Certain sex positions such as standing straddle forward bend, three legged dog pose, bridge pose, and more are classic examples of body positions that are popular during yoga practice.

Focused Sex

Imagine a picture: you are in the middle of making love with your partner, indulging in an amazing sex session, and suddenly a thought of an incomplete business deal hits you. Does this sound familiar? If yes, then Yoga is the key for you.

Yoga meditation increases your concentration during the sex by curbing any ruminating thought kill your sex drive in the moment. As we all know Yoga makes you calmer and removes any unnecessary distractions housed in your mind, which in turn helps you get maximum pleasure and improves the sexual connection with your partner. So, all in all Yoga helps you achieve the big O in a more pleasurable and focused manner.

Body Acceptance

The benefits of Yoga go beyond body and reach your mental status. It is found that people who practice regular Yoga are more accepting towards their natural flaws than people who do not.

Yoga teaches us to break the body stereotypes. It makes you feel beautiful with whatever assets you have.

Yoga makes you love your body the way it is and this is one of the pertinent factors which makes the sex more loving and fulfilling. After all, how can you make love with your partner if you do not love your own self?

Simply put, the Yoga is the best way to become self-aware and feel sexy just the way you are.

Sexual Mindfulness

Often people think sex is just about physical intimacy, but that’s not true. A true sex is the one which connects your mind and soul with your partner and Yoga helps accomplish this purpose.

The yoga practice fills you with all the positive energies. It makes you broad minded and more sensitive towards your body sensations and feelings. Sexual mindfulness is necessary to learn the true meaning of sex.

Yoga’s benefits are vast in numbers, and can only be understood once you actually begin practicing it. So, wait no more, hit the mat and look forward to a peaceful mind and blissful sexual life.


Yoga As A Way of Life

Yoga is an art form which is vast, elaborate and could easily roundup as a comprehensive workout for an individual. Notwithstanding elaborate positive effects yoga has on the emotional, psychological and spiritual well being of an individual.

For someone who has a passion for yoga, getting an in depth know how about the art form could have life transforming effects for one’s psyche! You’d simply come to understand and recognize yoga in its true essence.

Yoga definitely goes beyond being a set of poses which boost the individual’s flexibility while improving posture. It’s something which helps create a link between individual consciousness and divine consciousness.

There are some formats of yoga which one might not be aware about.

Let’s consider Ashtanga Yoga for an instance. Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient practice which is focused on body cleansing and purification. This is achieved by synchronized body breath and movement.

Ashtanga yoga tones the nervous system and over time even induces one into spiritual enlightenment.

In the same way, Iyengar yoga is has been bought into practice by the living master, B.K.S. Iyengar. This is deeply focused on the art and science of asana and pranayama.

Strength, coordination, an improved flexibility and an enhanced sense of well being are some key benefits of Iyengar Yoga.

Pranayama: A Way To Attain Higher States Of Awareness

A very interesting term associated with yoga is Pranayama. Let’s know more about the same.

Prana refers to the vital energy within our bodies. It is the life force within us. Ayama refers to control. So Pranayama is the control of breath.

By the means of Pranayama, one can control the pranic energy within the body. This ensures that one has a healthy body and mind. The great yoga master, Patanjali mentioned Pranayama as a way to attain higher states of awareness.

Kapalbhati: An Implement Of Pranayama

Kapalbhati is a yoga technique and a type of pranayama. It initially seems like a breathing technique, but in essence, Kapalbhati has a deeper meaning.

Kapalbhati is a cleansing technique which cleanses the mind of carbon dioxide. Kapalbhati also cleanses the mind of restlessness.

The technique was invented by Indian yogis thousands of years ago. It is believed to be a way to attain full body fitness. Innumerable patients have benefited tremendously by making Kapalbhati a part of their everyday lives.

Surya Namaskar: The Sun Salutation

Let us discuss another important term associated with yoga, which is the Sun Salutation or the Surya Namaskar.

The Surya Namaskar is a kriya performed during morning hours, at the time of sunrise. It is compilation of twelve poses, wherein each pose flows into the next with ease.

Surya namaskar may be performed at a faster pace, or it may be done slowly.

A unique feature of Surya Namaskar is that it is a complete workout for the body. While it comprises of only 12 sets of exercises, the Surya Namaskar translates into 288 powerful yoga poses. This occurs in a span of 12 to 15 minutes.

In a single round, the Surya Namaskar burns around 13.90 calories. Slowly and gradually, you may increase the rounds of Surya Namaskar to 108.

If performed at a slow pace, the Surya Namaskar tones the muscles and makes them stronger. Alternately, the Sun salutation brings the mind, body and the breath in harmony and facilitate a complete meditative experience.

If one does only a few rounds of Surya Namaskar, it can be extremely good for the heart. If you intend to do Surya Namaskar as a warm up workout, you may do it at a quicker pace.


Himalayas For Yoga and Meditation

Why Choose Himalayas For Yoga and Meditation?

The Himalayas is one such gift of nature which is peerless to any other thing. No one can match the beauty and serenity of this place. The fresh air which flows there and passes down our body is astounding. It is like a canopy which is form between sunshine and trees. The relationship of purity, love, and peace is all defined by this place. The ascetic place of Yogis and sages is the Himalayas.

From past many years, Yogis and Sages are practicing Yoga in the Himalayas for their better life. They believe that their life would be full of peace and contentment if they perform Yoga. Whenever you visit the Himalayas, one thing which blows mind is the traverse path.

It changes from lush green to valleys and then to Jungles. Mountains of Himalayas has the mysticism which transformed a person’s life with good health and soul.

We are one of the finest Yoga Teacher Training in India. We have been training students for past 12 years. We have successfully trained 1550 Yoga teacher from across the world which are spreading yoga classes & awareness around the globe.

Why choose the Himalayas for Yoga and meditation?
One can find the best training their which one can take with them as a gift for rest if their lives. The beauty of the Himalayas and the majestic mountains takes our soul away from any hustle-bustle of life.

Are you confused about choosing the Himalayas for Yoga and meditation? Then don’t be because nothing can beat the power of nature. Reasons for choosing the Himalayas over any other majestic places are:

• The Serene Atmosphere: Wearing the mask of stress and loads, people are lacking in their pampering. Yoga releases stress and can become your stress buster. Practicing yoga in a serene atmosphere gives you peace of joy. The Himalayas contains that joy and serendipity. The lush green forest and the valleys which captures our voices are all present in one place that is the Himalayas. One can attain utmost peace when connected to oneself and nature. Yoga can only benefit a person when that person is cut off the hussy-bussy life and is on a path of exploring his/her inner self.

• Weather of Himalayas: The Himalayas has one of the most resplended weather throughout the year. This weather is best for yogis which refresh their souls and it also provides best yoga teacher training and retreats. The delightful weather of Himalayas is best in summers for practicing Yoga and meditation. People retrospect the nature and eternal bliss of Himalayas.

• Godliness attached to it: The Himalayas have the supreme effect. It is connected with nature and also with God. Lord Shiva connects with this splendid beauty of Peaks and mountain ranges. Yoga and meditation are so pious that it affects our body positively. The deep connection with the God and its eternal power gives yogis and other sages a tranquil understanding over their body.

• Refreshing Activities: Besides practicing yoga and attaining retreats, many tourists follow the Himalayas religiously and come in a troop to enjoy other activities like trekking, bungee jumping, and other adventurous sports. One can even play around bonfires and dance along that. To make your vacay mode for cheerful you can even come joining the Yoga teacher training and Yoga retreats in the Himalayas, which are best provided by nature.

• The local delicacies: A travelogue can explore so much in the Himalayas. People can experience a good and a new life like yogis by exploring local people. The local delicacies like Tibetan food and other vegetarian dishes can serve you best with great honor. Vegetarian food is preferred when you are practicing Yoga anywhere you go. The purity remains stable and you can live a sustainable lifestyle. People can communicate with others and encourage to practice Yoga in the Himalayas for their betterment.

The Himalayas are best suited for Yoga trainers and the one who needs some time to know themselves. In the city life, your body gets exhausted so peace of mind for growth is important for every life.

Yoga Poses

Yoga Poses

If you have observed from a distance people doing yoga poses, you would think they are latter day contortionists. You could be wrong, they are wise people who have realized well in time how easily and relatively inexpensively they can keep their bodies healthy, literally fit as a fiddle.

Yoga poses are the best way to maintain the body flexible, supple and toned up without exerting any force on the body. There is a certain subtlety in this ancient eastern system of body maintenance which keeps one in tune with nature.

Modern lifestyle takes its toll in terms of physical and mental health. Hypertension and diabetes are common ailments and the beneficiaries are pharma firms. Resources that should be spent on other productive channels are wasted in shoring up a tiring body that becomes an open invitation to premature aging and a host of diseases.

Yoga has many dimensions

The word yoga means union. It meant a whole set of physical, mental and spiritual exercises developed by ancient Indian yogis as a means of realizing God and being united (‘yuj’ in Sanskrit, meaning ‘being yoked’) with Him. The yogis were performing rigorous routine of meditation in forests and mountains and being scantily clad, they devised indoor exercises now known as ‘yoga poses’ or ‘yogasanas’ to keep their body healthy and light and make it a willing instrument of their meditation.

Over the years, yoga poses (postures) got separated from the rest of the mental and spiritual practices and has become popular as fitness yoga. Nevertheless, people who practice yoga poses derive benefits of yoga like a focused mind, self-discipline, a composed temperament and a healthy view of life.

The great repose

There are a hundred yoga poses. They have interesting names like Red Indians who named themselves Sitting Bull or Galloping Horse. The poses bear names like The Boat, Crow, Peacock, Lotus and so on. The last mentioned is the pose in which the Buddha is shown seated. It is the pose developed by yogis for their meditation. Legs withdrawn and feet resting on the thighs, hands placed on the thighs turned upward with thumb and forefinger closed, the spine and neck held erect, eyes lightly closed and the normally outgoing mind gathered and centred within – this is the ultimate pose of repose without and within.

But yet, before we could attain that inner repose, we have to slowly master the body through various poses and by regulation of breath which is called pranayama. Regulation of breath is said to energise the body and gradual slowing down of breathing is said to reduce the frequency of thoughts which is the necessary prelude for meditation.

The yogi among bats

There is the familiar joke about bats in a cave. They were all hanging upside down as their wont. But one bat was seen standing on his feet. When the other bats asked him why, he answered, “I am practicing yoga!” That bat is the counterpart of the people who delight in doing the headstand, a difficult but a very effective pose for stimulating blood circulation in the entire body. Its modified and easier version, the “all limbs pose” is also recommended for all ages.

In a way, yoga poses are for people who want to be and dare to be different and pursue what their inner being and instinct of the body prompt them to do. It is by treating the body with respect and dignity, not by pumping iron and straining the muscular and nervous system. In the latter case, we see these people breaking down in health when they stop doing these heavy-handed exercises.

Tips for the beginner

Starting practice of yoga poses is easy. But some words of caution would be necessary.

· Please do not learn from the books. One should not be one’s own Guru (Teacher) in matters of Yoga asanas, pranayama or meditation and one might end up worse than before. Look for qualified, committed, professional teachers.
· If you suffer from any ailments or bodily disabilities, obtain medical advice from your physician and from your yoga instructor as to what poses would fit in with your physical condition.
· Age is no bar for practice of yoga poses. You do not have to be a stripling to do it.
· Your yoga instructor will tell you what kind of yoga accessories and props you need. Your dress should be comfortable enough to allow you to stretch and bend freely.
· Like all other physical exercises, yoga poses should be done on a very light stomach and never after a meal.
· Fix a particular time for your domestic practice to develop regularity and discipline
· Such a discipline does not go with habits like smoking and drinking which have a depleting effect on the physical system

The final test

The ultimate test of any exercise regimen is: Do you feel fresh and energetic or tired and exhausted afterwards? Yoga poses pass this test in flying colours.

On the whole, regular practice of yoga poses tempers and tunes up the body, disciplines the mind and trains the will to apply itself to self-improving habits and style of life and lifts one’s perspectives to a higher and nobler level of existence.

Curative Yoga Asanas For Various Ailments

Curative Yoga Asanas For Various Ailments

Yoga’s curative value for various ailments cannot be overlooked. With an established routine of a series of asanas, many of the diseases commonly affecting us can be cured and a healthier lifestyle enjoyed by all of us. Yoga prevents as well as cures several disorders of the body and mind. It establishes poise and harmony of the hormones and metabolism of the body; is stimulates endocrine system and builds up natural immunity of the body. In our bodies lie different forms of energies, when these forces are not utilized and directed properly, they cause a number of disorders. Yoga postures trigger and guide the amassed and sluggish vigor throughout the body; they purify the body and mind by freeing them from all toxic wastes.

Uses of different types of poses

Positions taken up while seated are beneficial for breathing, relaxation and meditation practices. They act as warm up exercise to start the session. The seated positions improve posture and open up the pelvic area.

Standing postures prove advantageous in strengthening your legs; they open up your hips and develop your sense of balance and poise.

Prescribed Asanas for ailments

Diabetes can be controlled and cured by:

  • Back Stretching Posture
  • Half-Spinal Twist Pose

Yoga asanas can help you with obesity by burning body fat; massaging the abdominal muscles by contracting and flexing them and improving blood circulation to those areas. Curative postures for this condition are:

  • Cobra Pose
  • Wind Relieving Posture

Health experts believe that constipation is the mother of all ailments; it is the outcome of unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, mental problems and tensions. Asanas holding curative value for this disorder are:

  • All members Pose
  • Fish Pose
  • Headstand posture

Bad posture while sitting, being overweight and our lifestyle contribute to back ache. To cure this ailment, you can work with:

  • Cobra Pose
  • Wind Relieving Posture
  • Locust Pose

Rheumatism and arthritis resulting from hardening of muscles, joints and tissues, are painful ailments; for their correction, Wind Relieving Posture is recommended. For Hyper-tension and high blood pressure, All Members and Corpse poses have curative value as they help unwind the body and drive worry and stress away. Illnesses of the respiratory tract, like, sinus, asthma, bronchitis and common cold can be healed by taking up Cobra, Bow and Fish asanas. These postures will fix the stoop and rounded shoulders. Digestive disease like hyperacidity results from improper dietary habits and intake of spice-laced food. Raised Feet, Cobra, Lotus and Yoga positions treat this problem suitably. Breathing and meditating exercises too as curative tools have a profound soothing effect on exhausted minds and frayed nerves.

Yoga asanas are a complete system that prevents and heals several ailments, even chronic ones. With its regular practice health is improved holistically. A full set or schedule of a combination of different postures is important to heal the mind, body and the spirit. The curative rewards of yoga make the heart healthy, regulate blood pressure within its normal range, alleviate anxiety, fortify immunity and create balance and harmony within one’s self.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Natural Yoga Mat

What is the most recommended yoga mat and what are the advantages of using one? Well this article will endeavor which is best suited for you and why it is so. The natural mat is the best one so far. It is getting many of good reviews ever since its first appearance in the market. The materials used in this are pure rubber extracts.

Thus, it has no harmful chemicals that can cause irritations in your skin unlike most of the mats of today that contain Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). Prolonged contact with PVC contents can have various effects on the health of the user. A natural mat is therefore good for the body since it does not cause any negative side effects.

If you are going to make a research about the natural rubber yoga mat, you will find out that they are actually the one recommended by yoga professionals. The composition is solely 100% rubber and free from any synthetic materials. A drawback of using a natural rubber one is its rubber smell. However, if you can tolerate a slight odor of rubber while you are doing yoga, then this will suit you best.

Another drawback of the rubber yoga mat is its quite heavy compared to other mats. For this reason, it is not suitable for travelling yoga practitioners. Unlike the travelling version, the natural rubber mat cannot be folded or rolled thus it cannot fit in small bags. In addition, carrying it around for transport is a little exhausting.

Some of the advantages of using the all-natural yoga mat is it can allow the user to be more daring in practicing yoga positions. Being 100% pure rubber, has a high traction giving the yoga practitioner a better grip of the supporting surface. This is actually necessary because if the mat is slippery chances are the practitioner will sustain an injury due to accidental slips.

Another great thing with the natural rubber yoga mat is its thick enough to give support and comfort to the user. This is good for practitioners who want to remain in the lotus position and meditate for several hours. The comfort is for lessening the amount of stress the body of the practitioner is going through. This would allow him or her to practice yoga for as long as the yogi likes it.

There are many places that you can buy a natural rubber mat. Most sport stores keep a stock of mats for yoga however, not all of them have the natural rubber version available. Thus, if you are looking for an all-natural one, you may want to try to look through the Internet.

To sum it all, a natural rubber yoga mat has many benefits to the user. With the current pace of advancement in technology, soon, all the drawbacks of the natural version will also be gone. Thus, if you want to start practicing yoga, take into consideration the mat that you are going to use.

Role Of Yoga In Health And Fitness

Due to the modernization of lifestyle, we have lost the harmony of life due to which, we have got several diseases such as hypertension, obesity, coronary heart diseases, etc. To prevent the diseases we need to adopt the better lifestyle, which include a balanced diet with proper physical activity.

Yoga is highly considered in the modern science of living. Yoga was derived from word “Yog” which means “to join” or “together”. Yoga is a method of information that aims to balance the mind, spirit, and body. Yoga may increase individual physical flexibility, coordination, and strength, while the breathing practices and meditation may calm and focus the mind to develop greater awareness. So we should incorporate yoga into our daily routine for the healthy lifestyle as well as it also provides relief from mental stress.

Benefits of Yoga

#6. Yoga for Overall Wellness– Regular practitioners of yoga may experience the overall fitness of the body such as it improves the health status, provides mental strength, protect from the injuries, increases awareness, helps to maintain the body energy levels, detoxifies the body etc. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which affects the body functioning and it increases the circulation in the body

#5. Yoga For Stress Relief And Inner Peace- A daily practice of yoga may help to get rid of the stress that is caused by various reasons. Yoga postures such as pranayama and meditation are the best effective techniques to provide relief from stress. These techniques also provide calmness, balance the mind and body functioning and bring inner peace to the body.

#4. Yoga For Better Flexibility And Posture- Add yoga in your daily routine to make your body more strong and flexible. Daily practice of stretching makes your muscles strong. It also improves the flexibility of the body. Due to poor posture, we get back, neck, muscle, and joint problems. Everyday practice of yoga helps to improve your body posture when you walk, stand, sit and sleep. Yoga also provides relief from pain due to incorrect posture.

#3. Yoga for Immunity –Yoga asanas improve the body immune function, it maintains the blood pressure hence prevents the cardiovascular diseases. Yoga increases blood circulation and fat burning to lower cholesterol. It stimulates insulin production thus prevent diabetes. It also improves the gastrointestinal function thus eliminate toxic waste substances from the body. It helps you to stay healthy by balancing metabolism by controlling hunger and the weight.

#2. Yoga For Weight Loss- Nowadays obesity is the major issue which affects the majority of the population; yoga is a technique which helps you with weight loss. A regular practice of yoga helps you to burns more calories, it balances the hormonal level as that may encourage you to eat a lesser amount of food and you lose weight, and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

#1. Yoga Increases Concentration Power- Yoga increases the concentration in an individual. Regular practice of yoga may improve your concentration and can result in the better focus on life and profession.

Thus the art of practicing yoga help in controlling the person’s mind, body and conscience. This holistic approach makes you physically as well as mentally fit, so include yoga asanas in your routine for health and fitness.

More Helpful Ideas And Tips About Gym Wear

Benefits of Wearing Excellent Yoga Pants For Women

Many people are having a hard time practicing yoga simply because they aren’t wearing the right kind of yoga pants for women. The right kind of yoga pants for women is crucial to the overall benefit of the yoga practice. But before we can understand the impact of this clothing apparel, it is important to understand the idea behind yoga.

Yoga, in the literal sense, is a kind of meditation that is made of a system of exercises to help control the body, mind and the soul of a person. The way for an individual to reach the perfect state of spiritual calmness is through the practice of yoga that greatly calms through the path of knowledge, action and devotion. The aim of yoga is to unite the body with the mind, and then to unite the mind with the soul. What yoga aims to do is to pave the way for an individual and make him/her attain a life that is both joyous and blissful.

The practice of yoga and meditation helps greatly in achieving the goal of unity – meaning the unity of mind, body and spirit. With yoga practices, the individual is able to reach the state of eternal bliss, and he/she will also be able to reach that particular oneness with divinity.

The most crucial part of the yoga practice is the different body postures. Therefore, it is important for an individual to wear the right kind of apparel to maximize the benefits of the practice. Womens yoga pants should be comfortable so as to be able to create free-flowing movements. For the practice of yoga, it is recommended to wear stretchable yoga pants for women. The stretchable pants will allow for unconstrained movements like kicking, bending and several others. Additionally, the clothes should be made light-weight. You wouldn’t want to wear clothes that are too heavy, as this will hinder the movement of the body.

Aside from this, it is also important that you choose women’s yoga wear that can absorb sweat easily. There are times when a woman becomes self-conscious because she feels uncomfortable with the amount of sweat that her body produces. The primary requirement for yoga practices is the amount of concentration for the workout. If the woman is distracted by various things, it will be hard for her to achieve maximum benefits of the practice.

When buying your first yoga pants, it may be ideal that you choose the best cheap yoga pants available. The cheapness of the yoga pants does not necessarily have to compromise the quality. Instead, it just means that you are able to find the ones that will fit the budget.

One reason why people buy cheap yoga pants for women is because cheap pants are easier to replace than the normal ones. If you buy cheap yoga pants, you wouldn’t have to regret the amount of money that you have invested with them when they are already worn from continuous use. Not only will you be able to avail of the benefits of yoga, you will also save a considerable amount of money.