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Normal Weight Loss Per Month

Promises from supplements or magazine articles that claim you can lose 20 or more pounds per month aren’t promoting “normal” weight loss. When it comes to weight loss, however, the term “normal” is truly relative. Everyone loses weight at a different rate, depending on a multitude of factors — including gender, age and size. Two pounds a week, or about 8 pounds a month, might be normal for a larger man, but a small, older woman might find that 2 pounds a month is normal for her. As you start your weight loss journey, you’ll learn what’s “normal” for you, based on your activity level and lifestyle.

How Weight Loss Happens

Changes in your weight occur when you upset the caloric energy balance equation. If you consume 3,500 more calories daily than you burn, then you gain a pound of fat. If you consume 3,500 fewer calories daily than you burn, then you lose a pound. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you aim for no more than a 3,500- to 7,000-calorie deficit a week to result in a “safe” and “sustainable” rate of loss of about 4 to 8 pounds a month.

However, this rate may be too aggressive if you don’t burn a lot of calories every day. A mostly sedentary woman over 50 only burns an average of 1,600 calories a day. She can’t trim 500 calories without dropping to a diet that consists of fewer than 1,200 calories, which could leave her nutritionally deficient. If she’s not willing to burn 100 calories through daily exercise to get the 500-calorie daily deficit needed to burn a pound a week, an aggressive weight-loss rate for her would be about 3.4 pounds a month. A more “normal,” manageable goal might be closer to 1.5 to 2 pounds a month, as this requires that she only trim 175 to 250 calories a day.

Factors Affecting “Normal” Weight Loss Per Month

Numerous factors affect how fast a normal rate of weight loss is for you. Men — especially when they first start making better dietary choices and exercising more — tend to lose weight faster than women because of hormonal differences and because they have greater amounts of lean muscle mass. Because men also tend to burn more calories daily — because they’re larger — it’s easier for them to create a calorie deficit.

The natural loss of lean muscle begins in your 40s and accelerates after you reach 50. While exercise and quality nutrition can mitigate the loss, some loss is inevitable. A normal weight-loss rate of 4 to 8 pounds a month is probably easier to achieve when you’re in your 20s and 30s, but this rate may slow to 2 to 3 pounds a month later in life.

For some people, too, creating a 500- to 1,000-calorie deficit daily may be just too difficult to maintain, and it could lead to long-term weight-loss failure. If you’re particularly active, you may need more calories to support your lifestyle, but if you trim too many calories and try to move more, this could leave you fatigued, irritable and starving. Instead, you might aim for a 2- to 3-pound weight loss a month, if that amount feels more normal — and doable — to you.

Where You Are in Your Diet Plan

If you begin a weight-loss program that consists of drastic changes, then you might find weight loss is faster in the first month and then trails off in subsequent months. Initially, your body is losing a good deal of water weight, which can create dramatic numbers on the scale. Getting quick results early on is normal.

Heavier people may also have a more rapid “normal” rate of weight loss. When you have more weight to lose, you need more calories daily to maintain your size. You can create a larger caloric deficit by trimming servings and choosing quality options, without eating too few calories to meet your nutritional needs — and thus — you may lose weight faster.

Weight Loss Comparisons Aren’t Helpful

Of course, you want to be realistic in setting goals for weight loss, so it’s helpful to know that 8 pounds is approximately the greatest amount of weight loss the average person could aim for in a month. Remember, however, that every person’s actual results are unique for that person. This can help keep you from comparing your weight-loss results to your partner’s or your neighbor’s results. If you cut your caloric intake and move more, you’ll lose weight and become healthier.

You may feel as if you’re doing everything right, but you’re not losing a normal amount of weight. Invest in a food scale and a set of measuring cups so you can be certain that your servings are the appropriate size for your caloric intake. People tend to overestimate proper portion sizes. Take note of your intensity when you work out and tune in when you skip a workout. You might be letting yourself have workouts that are too easy or you might skip workouts too often. Weight loss requires commitment and work; you have to find a normal rate for you that also doesn’t burn you out.

How Does Fast Metabolism Help Us Lose Weight? Here’s How You Can Fasten Yours

How is fast metabolism linked to weight loss? Here’s everything you need to know.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism is a process under which our bodies convert our food into energy. A fast metabolism refers to our bodies’ ability to complete this task faster. Our metabolism aids various functions in our bodies such as digesting food, breathing, growing cells, circulating blood, repairing cells, managing hormones, managing body temperature, etc.

Why is fast metabolism important for weight loss?

Metabolism is one of the most discussed factors when trying to lose weight. Most people who are naturally leaner are equated to have a fast metabolism. A fast metabolism helps fasten the process of burning calories.

Essentially, burning more calories than you consume results in weight loss. Fast metabolism helps burn more calories in the same amount of time if compared to someone who has a slower metabolism.

There are 3 kinds of metabolisms that occur in our bodies. These 3 kinds are responsible for generating three different kinds of bodily functions. Here are the 3 kinds:

1. The energy required by the body to practice basic functions while resting known as basal metabolism.

2. The energy required to break down the food we consume

3. The energy required when we perform physical activitie

Our basal metabolism takes up most of our energy. Increasing this metabolic rate can help fatten weight loss.

How can I fasten my metabolism?

There are various lifestyle choices that influence your metabolic rate. While some habits can slowdown metabolism, some simple lifestyle changes can help fasten it. Here are some ways through which you can boost your metabolism.

8 ways in which you can fasten your metabolism:

1. Try HIIT

Pushing your limits when working out can help you burn energy faster. HIIT and other fast-paced exercises might help our bodies burn calories even hours after the workout.

2. Get proper sleep

Lack of proper sleep has been proven to slowdown metabolism. Proper sleep can help maintain healthy metabolic rate.

3. Focus on muscle building

As discussed, we burn most of our calories at the basal metabolism. For every kilogram of muscle, our bodies need to burn approximately 12 calories daily to manage itself. Weight training can help you build muscle.

4. Have caffeine

High-caffeine drinks help fasten metabolism and help boost energy levels. Black coffee and green tea may be beneficial for you if you are trying to lose weight.

5. Increase protein intake

Protein is encouraged for most diets that focus on reducing weight. This is the case as our body requires more energy to burn protein that it needs when burning carbs or fats. Protein-rich foods fasten metabolism.

6. Drink more water

Lack of water in our system can servile slowdown our metabolism. To maintain and fatten our metabolism, we must consume about 3-4 litres of water daily.

7. Eat less, more often

In order to boost your metabolism, you must consume multiple small portions of foods throughout the day. Eating 2-3 large meals through the day can slowdown metabolism.

8. Eat spicy foods

Spicy foods are abundant in components that trigger our metabolic rate. However, eating spicy foods does not fasten metabolism permanently. The fast metabolism is a temporary response to the chemicals found in spicy foods.

Does fast metabolism equate healthy weight?

A fast metabolism can aid and fasten weight loss. However, various other factors influence your weight loss. A fast metabolism cannot single-handedly help you lose all your weight. As discussed, in order to lose weight, one must consume lesser calories than they are burning. Hence, consuming more calories because you have fast metabolism would not result in weight loss.

Along with trying to boost your metabolism, you must also be watchful of your overall diet and make sure you exercise regularly. A fast metabolism can aid weight loss but it would require you to make healthy and significant changes to your lifestyle.