Himalayas For Yoga and Meditation

Fitness Advice, Workout Tips, And Benefits Of Yoga

Fitness Advice:

  1. Set realistic goals: Set achievable goals that are specific, measurable, and time-bound. This will help you stay motivated and track your progress.
  2. Mix up your workouts: Doing the same workout routine can get boring and less effective over time. Mix up your workouts to challenge your body and keep things interesting.
  3. Consistency is key: Make exercise a habit by scheduling it into your daily routine. Consistency is key when it comes to achieving fitness goals.
  4. Listen to your body: If you feel pain or discomfort while exercising, stop and rest. It’s important to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard.
  5. Stay hydrated: Drinking water before, during, and after exercise can help you stay hydrated and perform better.

Workout Tips:

  1. Warm-up: Before any workout, it’s important to warm up your muscles to prevent injury. A few minutes of light cardio, stretching, or foam rolling can help prepare your body for exercise.
  2. Use proper form: Using proper form during exercises can help prevent injury and maximize results. Take the time to learn the proper technique for each exercise and focus on form over weight.
  3. Gradually increase intensity: As your fitness level improves, gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. This will help you avoid injury and continue to challenge your body.
  4. Rest and recover: Rest days are just as important as workout days. Your body needs time to recover and repair after exercise, so be sure to incorporate rest days into your fitness routine.

Benefits of Yoga:

  1. Improved flexibility: Yoga poses help improve flexibility and range of motion, making it easier to perform everyday tasks and other physical activities.
  2. Reduced stress and anxiety: Yoga has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and reducing tension in the body.
  3. Increased strength and balance: Many yoga poses require strength and balance, which can help improve overall fitness and reduce the risk of falls and other injuries.
  4. Improved breathing: Yoga teaches deep breathing techniques that can help improve lung function and reduce stress.
  5. Improved overall health: Regular yoga practice has been linked to improved heart health, better sleep, and reduced inflammation.

Reality of Weight loss Products

According to world health organization more than 1 billion people worldwide are obese. Internationally a BMI (Body mass index) over 25 kg/ m2 is considered as overweight. In India 135 million people are obese; according to National Family Health Survey data nearly one in every four person is overweight in India. In India BMI between 18.0 to 22.9 kg/ m2 is normal, 23.0 to 24.9 kg/m2 is overweight and more than 25 kg/m2 is obese. In simple words obesity is the excess amount of fat cells in body. It is classified as a disease by WHO which affect almost all organs in body such as Heart, Brain, Lungs, Reproductive system etc, and also the cause of many health issues like hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer and depression etc. At the present time everyone is aware of the side effect of overweight want to be fit and look beautiful but most of the people don’t have enough time for exercise and don’t want to go through the long process. They want easy way and magical pill which will make them slim overnight and many pharmaceutical companies and nutraceutical companies are taking advantage of their thinking by machining several weight loss products.

Fat  Burner Gel to slim down fast, wear patches and lose 5 kg in a  week, take tablet twice a day and lose 10 kg in one month even without diet and work out and lose it fast, lose it forever , fat freezing belt, slimming oils, Ayurvedic slimming juice, etc. etc. etc.  These types of advertisements are seen everywhere on social networking sites, newspapers, magazines and T.V. nowadays. What are these products efficacy rate, what are side effects, no products making company tell us. They claims 100% guarantee and targets obese people. These products efficacy rate is very low around 2-5% and side effects on health are more.

Most of the products available in market contain Garcinia Cambogia extract, Green coffee bean, Green tea.

Garcinia Combogia:  The active ingredient in this is hydroxicitric acid , which blocks the formation of fat in body add reduces the appetite. But still it is not very effective in weight loss and its long term effect may cause hepatotoxicity or liver impairment, and different kind of deficiencies in body which is very harmful for health.

Green tea and Green coffee bean: The active ingredients in these are caffeine, which make us feel full.  Green tea is good for its antioxidant contents and green coffee is also good in high blood pressure but should be taken in a limited amount. But weight loss effects these are not same in all individuals. Excess amount of caffeine may cause addiction, sleep disturbances, increases heat in body and lead to hair fall and greying hair, also drain out calcium from bones. All these  weight loss products available in market are very costly with very low or no effects so why do we purchase these products from market we can take normal coffee  or normal green tea one or two times a day that will show the same effect on low price.

Apple cider vinegar: Nowadays some companies are also claiming that apple cider vinegar is helpful in weight loss, it burns fat, increases metabolism and suppresses appetite. Here is also same effect is not certain and after all it’s an acid so prolonged effect may lead to tooth decay, digestive system related problems, weak bones. We can take lemon water with honey instead. Except these there are also contain different kind of slimming oils, slimming shake, slimming juice which also contain different additives, artificial sweeteners, flavouring  agent etc. which are not good for health.

People should be beware from these products and these companies who shows attractive adds with claim of “Lose for forever”, ‘’once gone not again” etc. and earn their profit. Everyone has different body type and different cause of obesity or overweight. Before starting any medicine or any diet plane for weight loss we should consult a specialist and find its root cause, it may be due to hormonal imbalance, regular consumption of fast food and junk food, an inactive life style, medications, genetic etc. The most important thing is a healthy body and mind instead of lean body for this one have to do moderate exercises or dance or any physical activity, follow a healthy diet means diet which consist all kind of nutrient required to our body and adopt a healthy life style.

10 Mistakes That Are Slowing Your Weight Loss Journey

Here are common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight.

Losing weight takes a lot of effort and willpower. While on a weight loss journey we are exposed to all kinds of weight loss tips. It can be tough to figure out which suggestions are actually helpful. We often make mistakes that may be doing more harm than good.

10 Mistakes you are making that are slowing down your weight loss:

1. Stressing

One of the most neglected causes of weight gain is stress. Experiencing uncomfortable moods can affect your metabolism and may even cause you to overeat. Besides usual stress, trying to lose weight may also cause stress. Your relationship with yourself and your moods have a bigger impact on your weight than you may think.

2. Skipping meals

What times of the day we eat also has a huge impact on our weight. In order to achieve a calorie-deficit diet, one might resort to skipping meals. This can make your weight loss slow down significantly. It not only makes you overeat when you do eat but it also slows down your metabolism.

3. Cutting out fibre

Many weight-loss diets encourage you to cut out ‘carbs’. Most foods rich in carbs are rich in fibre. Fibre may be advertised as useless but that is incorrect. It is extremely important for the healthy working of our digestive system. It also helps us feel fuller for longer. Go for healthy and less processed fibre-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

4. Not eating enough protein

When trying to lose weight, we assume that a high-protein diet is only required if we are going to the gym. Although a protein-rich diet is necessary if going to the gym, it is also encouraged for all other kinds of weight loss journeys. Protein provides us with energy, boosts metabolism, betters our muscles’ health, and so on.

5. Being inconsistent

Be it our diet or workout routine, inconsistency instantly affects our weight. Lack of proper routine can leave the body confused. It is important to follow a proper routine. Plan out your routine for the week in advance which may help you to stay motivated.

6. Not researching enough

Lack of proper research might drive you to make decisions that may be causing more harm to your body than good. Lack of proper guidance and research can cause health complications. It is ideal to seek reliable guidance when going on a weight loss journey.

7. Eating packed ‘healthy’ foods

As the awareness of eating healthy increases, so does the availability of ready-to-eat healthy foods. Healthy packed foods are low-calorie and diet-friendly. However, do make them ready-to-eat and storable, there are packed with various preservatives, sugar, sodium, and other components that might be unfit and unhealthy.

8. Not drinking enough water

Our body often confuses dehydration and hunger. The feeling of thirst is often confused with being hungry. This causes unnecessary eating. However, drinking ample water can help speed up your weight loss journey. Water boosts metabolism, energy levels, muscle health, blood flow, and many other factors.

9. Focusing on just exercising

One may equate extensive exercising to being enough to lose weight but that is incorrect. In order to lose weight, you must be mindful of your lifestyle, what you eat and how much you exercise. Over-exercising cannot excuse an unhealthy and high-calorie diet. Your body needs healthy food to lose weight and also gain enough energy to exercise.

10. Not sleeping enough

As discussed above, our lifestyle has a huge role to play in our weight loss journey. Lack of sleep can reduce your productivity and energy levels while working out. A poor sleep cycle can make it hard for you to stay motivated. You are encouraged to get at least 7-8 hours of undisturbed sleep daily.

In conclusion, eating less and exercising more is not as easy as you may think. Our bodies are extremely complicated and intricate and so are working on it. A lack of proper or reliable tips can make losing weight harder. It is important to do your research before going ahead with a suggestion. We also encourage you to speak to an expert so you are following the correct way to lose weight.

Exercises that the expert recommends to reduce butt fat

Losing fat from the butt is a common fitness goal. There are many ways a person can achieve this.

1. Sprint for lower-body strength

Running on the treadmill or on solid ground will burn calories, rev up your metabolism and strengthen your quadriceps, calves, glutes, and hamstrings.

How to do it: Run at a high speed on a treadmill or flat ground for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat. Continue this for at least 10 minutes. You should be running fast enough that you are tired, but not completely exhausted, by the end of each 30-second sprint.

2. Bodyweight Squats

Squats are one of the best exercises to reduce the buttocks. Turn up the intensity on your legs with high-rep bodyweight squats. Do five sets of 20 reps.

How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down, like you’re sitting down on a chair, bending your knees, and sinking your butt down. Try to keep your torso as upright as possible. Go as low as you can and then stand back up straight.

3. Lunges

The lunge may seem simple, but it’s an effective move for toning up your rear.

How to do it: Start standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a big step forward with one leg. Drop your back knee down until it’s an inch above the ground.

Step up with your back foot so that your feet are together again, and then lunge forward with the other leg. Keep alternating legs until you’ve done 10 lunges on each leg.

4. Stair Climbing

Step away from elevators and escalators! Climb the stairs whenever you can to burn calories and improve fitness. Climbing steps employs more muscles than walking, jogging, or running on a flat surface. Climbing steps involve glutes and provide accurate conditioning of quads and hamstrings too. It is one of the best exercises to reduce butt.

How to do it: You can use a stepping machine in a gym or use stairs even when there is a lift available. Plus you can go for a hike.

Don’t forget to keep a check on what you eat

Nutrition plays an important role in losing fat and a simple method to lose fat is to be in a calorie deficit, which means consuming fewer calories than you are burning. It doesn’t matter how many kilometres you run, how many squats and lunges you do, to lose fat you need to be in a calorie deficit which cannot be achieved without focusing on your nutrition.

Mental Health and Creativity: A talk with Psychologist Paolo Grampa from Alice Onlus

As Mental Health Awareness Week falls in May, we decided to create an editorial partnership with the Alice Onlus Association and the psychotherapy psychologist Paolo Grampa.

The goal of this article is to provide information and tips about mental health, to help our community face the struggles that we all encounter in our lives, related to fears, insecurities, and periods of stress.

It’s important to talk and keep the conversations around mental health going, especially in this particularly difficult period. Let us know any comments or feedback you have about this topic in the comments. We’re in this together!

So let’s hear what Psychologist Paolo has to say on this topic:

The quote from the first Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr Brock Chisholm ‘without mental health there can be no true physical health’ [1], is now widely known. However, although it is relatively simple to understand the meaning of this statement, it is more complex to clearly define what mental health is. I sought help from the Ministry of Health of my country (Italy), which defines mental health as: “the state of emotional and psychological well-being in which the individual can exploit his cognitive or emotional abilities, exercise his function within of society, respond to the daily needs of everyday life, establish satisfying and mature relationships with others, constructively participate in changes in the environment adapt to external conditions and internal conflicts ”

Faced with this definition and in the light of the still current COVID-19 pandemic in progress (with all its implications of social isolation, restriction of personal freedom, economic and social repercussions …), I believe it is easy for each of us to affirm that: in the last year, there have been times when our mental health has faltered, been tested, or suffered severe blows.

Fears, insecurities, and anxieties about work and personal life, difficulties related to the loss of contact with friends and loved ones, forced and prolonged coexistence, numerous losses of all kinds, are just some of the causes of increased anxiety and panic symptoms, moments of strong discomfort, difficulty in controlling anger and aggression and variations in motivation to work.

What can help people cope in this situation?
One of the many resources available to us is certainly creativity. By this term I mean not a single act, linked to an innate gift and of a few. Rather, the result of the complementarity between deduction and intuition, between reason and imagination, between emotion and reflection, between divergent and convergent thinking .

— Creativity is a process accessible to all, which makes it possible to restructure apparently unchangeable situations, which risk turning into quicksand for the mind, in a new and original, unprecedented, and fruitful way. —

Every day, in my work as a psychotherapist, I meet people who, immobilized by different degrees of suffering and discomfort, undertake the challenge of creating something new and good for themselves and their future.

And it is precisely in the moment of meeting, of listening to others and of confrontation, of feeling seen, understood, welcomed but not pitied or reassured with false slogans such as the now-famous “everything will be fine”, that creativity can be restarted.

The different perspectives provided by the gaze of the other, the firm but sweetly weaning attitude, and the perspective of a balanced assumption of responsibility are the founding ingredients of a good process of creativity.

So welcome creativity, not just the one aimed at the production of goods, advertising, merch, and items that can be monetized. Make way for creativity as a human resource that allows us to once again raise our gaze towards a future that can be imaginable and dreamable again.

Insight: Fear of the Future

We asked the community what was the greatest difficulty/fear encountered during this period and the answer was, “fear of the future.”

So how can we overcome this fear when we feel blocked; when we fail to make a decision or the weight of what will happen seems to be too difficult to bear?

Let’s hear what Psychologist Paolo Grampa suggests:

— The most powerful weapon we have at our disposal is relationships; to face our fears, anxieties, and insecurities, it is good not to be alone. Affection and good relationships with which to share our thoughts allow us to deflate our fears, making us feel less alone.

— We must remember that fear is a basic emotion for humans. Therefore it has a precious value: it allows us to proceed with caution. We can educate ourselves, therefore, to transform fear into something that makes us be careful and thoughtful instead of blocking ourselves.

— Being afraid must become the stimulus to consider new paths and different perspectives.

And you? How are you experiencing this period? Do you have any strategies to regain personal peace and balance?
Write us in the comments and we will answer you with the support from the Psychologist.

What is the Alice Onlus Association?

Alice is a non-profit association in Milan made up of psychologists and psychotherapists with many years of experience in the field of developmental age, adolescence, parenting, school psychology, and DCA (eating disorders). Since 2012, it has also been at the forefront of primary prevention of femicide thanks to the “RispettaMI” project. It collaborates throughout the Lombardy region with private citizens, schools of all levels, extracurricular educational agencies, associations, and public institutions, creating network realities and promoting the development of synergies.


[1] World Medical Association. Dichiarazione di Helsinki. Principi etici per la ricerca biomedica che coinvolge gli esseri umani. Evidence 2013.
[2] http://www.salute.gov.it
[3] Brooks SK, Webster RK, Smith LE, Woodland L, Wessely S, Greenberg N, Rubin GJ. (2020). The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence. Lancet.
[4] Biasion, I (2017). Il cervello e la creatività: le basi neurali e molecolari del processo creativo. State of Mind.

Nude Yoga – What You Should Know About Naked Yoga

Yoga and meditation are popular since ancient times. Contrary to common belief, yoga is not just a set of different poses; it is a complete set of self discipline. Not only does it keeps you physically fit but also uplifts you spiritually. Yoga in literal terms means “union” i. e union of human soul with God. Asana (postures) are a way to keep your mind and body in perfect condition which helps you connect with the God.

Nude Yoga

This is a self explanatory term. Nude yoga simply means performing yogic Asansas without wearing any clothes. The postures (asana) are not any different from normal yogic postures. However the person performing naked yoga must be comfortable with this form of exercise.

Practice of this form of exercise started in 1960s. With the popularity of this form of yoga, many people started joining naked yoga classes. Aaron Star became an underground sensation when his Hot Nude Yoga that hit the market in 2001. Unintentionally Naked yoga is often associated with gay communities but it has nothing to do with gays

Motivating Force behind Naked Yoga

Naked Yoga is for those who want to break society’s norms. They want to explore their freedom by going without clothes. Moreover they accept the imperfections of their body and they do are not ashamed of it. Unlike other cultural changes, nude yoga took a long time before becoming popular.

Naked Yoga and Sex

There is a lot of difference between nude yoga and sexuality. The purpose of this form of yoga is to go beyond the perceived boundaries of the society. Gaining physical and mental fitness by performing asana in completely natural state is a new experience for naked yoga practitioner. It promotes a sense of openness among the participants and helps them accept the physical imperfections instead of hiding them.

Naked Yoga Etiquettes

As it is an uncommon form of yoga, there are a few etiquettes that must be adhered to:

• Do not hesitate in removing clothes if you have joined nude yoga class
• It is impolite to stare at your classmates. You must be comfortable while making others comfortable
• This is not easy. In fact it is somewhat tougher than normal yogic practice and meditation.
• Understand the difference between nudity and sexuality. This form of yogic practice has nothing to do with sexuality. You must not hesitate in asking questions.
• Do not forget to bring your own mat and towel.

Facts One Need to Know About International Yoga Day

It is a day of reckoning for the Indian-origin breath exercise Yoga. After careful deliberation, the Indian government could convince the international body United Nations to celebrate the beautiful yogic exercise to establish a state of sound health in people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition, the state of sound health can be achieved only when there is a constructive balance between body and mind. The premises of yoga begin from there. Through a series of breathing and physical exercise, it brings harmony between the mind and the body. It does not matter whether a yogi is from a different faith or not. What matters is how these exercises are done by that person.

Growing Popularity

Ever since the beginning of the 1980s, people from India have taken the principles of yoga to different countries and demonstrated to people living there. Over 30+ years, there has been a steady growth in the number of people who practice yoga at home and in the workplace. Many masters of this primordial exercise have customized the principles of yoga to meet the requirements of people in different countries. While transforming the basic tenets of yoga exercise to meet the needs of the customers, these masters have kept the cultural sensitivities in mind. These masters have been hugely responsible for the growing popularity of this exercise that aims to restore the healthy balance between body and mind. Other countries of the world have slowly begun to acknowledge the positive effects of body-mind exercise. Even the most conservative countries from the Gulf region have begun to embrace the body-mind exercise to reap its health benefits. This is especially true of countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Designation of International Yoga Day

Immediately after coming to power, the Indian government under the leadership of Narendra Modi took steps to elicit the views of other countries about Yoga. Over 3 months, the government took the feedback about the popularity of this ancient exercise. Armed with the huge volume of data, Narendra Modi addressed the United Nations General Assembly and requested the world countries to support the Indian government’s initiative to spread the message of yoga as an exercise to more countries. He told that the more than 6000-year-old Indian body-mind exercise can be used as a holistic medicine in a stricter sense. He showed the member countries the statistics of the positive change this exercise brings in the lives of people after adopting it. The member countries hurdled over it and gave their nod for designating a day for Yoga internationally. Henceforth, the world body ratified an agreement to designate June 21 as the International Yoga Day.

First International Yoga Day

On June 21, 2015, India joined the growing number of world countries to take an oath to further the cause of yoga for the establishment of a world where there are lesser health issues. On that day, the Government of India unraveled a website dedicated to the cause of yoga. It is maintained by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. On this day, various yoga instructors world over conduct classes, seminars, and practical sessions on a yearly basis for the benefit of the general public. This is done free of cost so that people get a glimpse of yoga. In India, people are organizing a large yoga exercise on a grand scale so that people from all walks of life can drop in and participate in it. The followers of Ram Dev also organize big events to conduct yoga exercises for the benefit of people on this day every year. Other spiritual gurus also do their part on this day to spread the awareness of yoga in our country.


Here’s a Quick Way to Learn the Basic Principles of Yoga

Yoga is a method of exercise that can be practiced by anyone. The basic principle of yoga is to use the body in a way that is free from tension and stress. It is also a healthy form of exercise.

Yoga involves three major areas of focus, the mind, the body, and the spirit. We can apply all three to our lives and achieve great health and well-being.

Yoga will focus on the mind, as it is the area of the body where concentration and mental preparation are required to perform a physical practice. The mind needs to be centered on the physical body, or the practice will not go according to plan. Meditation can focus the mind on what you are doing. It will help bring your focus to that area of the body that you want to concentrate on.

By meditating, you can open your mind to the world outside yourself. It allows you to focus on what is useful for you. It helps prepare the mind for work or play. It is very helpful when you are stressed and may be ready to cry.

The next part of yoga is to perform physical practice. The practice is going to bring the focus to the various body parts of the body. Some yoga practices include the balancing of the body as well as balancing the spine. The focus is on the strength of the different areas of the body. This strength can be used for the well-being of the person.

The focus on the different body parts allows the mind to have time to calm down and be able to focus on a single part of the body, which can be a mental problem or simply relaxes the body. If the body feels tense, it can release the tension through the various body parts.

Through these steps, the mind can be relaxed enough to concentrate on other things. The body will then feel free to do what it wants, such as using your hands to roll a ball back and forth.

Most people experience stiffness in their bodies as they age. A practice such as yoga can help avoid stiffness and improve mobility.

The third aspect of yoga practice is the focus on the spirit. The mental focus and the spiritual aspects of yoga can both bring peace of mind and comfort to the person.

Through the spiritual side of yoga practice, the focus is on maintaining balance and harmony with the natural world. Through the breathing, the breathing, and meditation, the focus can be focused on calmness and contemplation.

Nature can bring us closer to God. Nature can give us clarity and insight. Through yoga, the focus can be on peace, tranquility, and a calm mind.

Yoga: Excellent Exercise to Get Several Health Benefits

Yoga is considered as a best remedy to various diseases. It is an ancient science which comprises of various pranayama and asana. These yoga mudras are basically the exercises that provide flexibility to the body. Doing these exercises on a regular basis helps in upgrading the health standards.

The drastic change in the lifestyle has given birth to various diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, stress, etc. These diseases are ruining the life of millions of people. Yoga harbors various asana and pranayama that can easily control and cure these diseases.

The philosophy of yoga is very simple. It states that proper balance between mind and soul is essential in getting perfect health standards. This balance can be achieved by performing yoga poses. These postures help a lot in achieving proper balance among different elements of life.

What we practice is actually hatha yoga. It is that branch of yoga, which deals with the exercises that provide strength to nerves, muscles and bones. The main working principle behind this is that doing yoga asana provides flexibility and stretching to the body. This reduces the negative work force of the body and also improves blood flow through the nerves. This improved blood flow eventually results in providing essential nourishment to the body tissues. Thus providing strength to the nerves, muscles and bones.

One very popular yoga pose is Bow Pose or Dhanushasana. It is very effective in providing strength to the spinal cord and back portion. The people suffering from back pain should perform this asana in order to get relief from pain. In this, the aspirants have to lie prone and have to bend in the form of the bow. The effect of this is that it provides flexibility and improves blood circulation. This eventually provides full strength to the bones, muscles and nerves.

There are several other poses that are very useful in providing strength to the muscles and bones. These poses when practiced on a regular basis help a lot in improving the health standards.

But to gain maximum benefits, it is mandatory to do yoga asana in a proper manner. So, learning asana and pranayama is essential in order to achieve maximum level of fitness. There are several yoga schools that are offering yoga classes. In these classes, the yoga experts provide comprehensive information about yoga. They also provide information on how to do yoga pranayama and asana.

The yoga aspirants should first join the yoga classes in order to learn pranayama and asana. These classes certainly help in infusing the knowledge about yoga in the aspirants.

Five Most Common Mistakes Yoga Practitioners Make and How to Avoid Them

Yoga has become a popular exercise these days. More and more people are switching to Yoga to enhance their physical, emotional and psychological wellness. June 21st is now celebrated as International Yoga Day. Rishikesh, The yoga capital of the world, attracts people from all over the world seeking solace and peace from their busy and hectic lives. There are several yoga schools teaching yoga to students all over India, especially in Rishikesh. Despite its popularity, there are several mistakes that people commit while learning Yoga.

We list down 5 top mistakes that yoga practitioners make –

1. Becoming too Excited

Generally, people become too excited while learning Yoga, but their enthusiasm wanes with time. There is nothing wrong in becoming excited per se; however, too much excitement might become a roadblock in your yoga journey. Having realistic expectations and setting realistic goals help to avoid disappointment later on. Having realistic goals will help you plan your journey properly and achieve success in the longer run.

2. Setting Unrealistic Expectations

Most often people set unrealistic expectations and hence, face disappointment later. They become overexcited and hence set over-ambitious targets. You must always set realistic goals that you can easily achieve without any major problems. Due to unmet expectations, a lot of people give up too early and never achieve the desired results.

3. Learning through self-help Books

Learning yoga is a serious business. You can’t learn Yoga on your own, and hence, need a qualified expert. Many people try to learn Yoga through self-help books and think that they can master all the techniques from books. But they don’t achieve the desired results. Yoga should only be learnt from experts and qualified Yoga practitioners.

4. Becoming Complacent

Most often people become too complacent and never try to go beyond their own limits. They become satisfied with the little results they get initially and never try to achieve optimum results. Hence, you must always set realistic and ambitious goals, and never become satisfied with little results.

5. Irregular Practice

Many people cite the lack of time for not practising yoga regularly. They either quit their yoga practice or don’t practice on a regular basis. To get the desired results, you must always follow a disciplined schedule and practice Yoga on a daily basis. This requires patience, discipline and sincerity.

Know How Yoga Can Amazingly Improve Your Sexual Life

The benefits of Yoga are a no brainer. They range from improving the mind-body connection, weight loss or gain, improving body posture, stretching muscles, relaxing your senses and inculcating positive mindset. Furthermore, there is one more surprising benefit which comes in the form of a boost to your sexual life. Yes, you read that right! Apart from being an ancient art of keeping your body balanced, Yoga helps you with a mind-blowing sex too.

After all, yoga is all about gaining energies and thus it pumps up the sex desire in you.

Let’s discover the Yoga’s deeper relation with sex drive:

Yoga and sex have quite a good relation, even if that is not a much talked about topic. Yoga helps increase blood flow to the genital area and leaves a direct impact on your sex drive. According to Ekhart Yoga, the Yoga practice helps get rid of body toxins which hinder your sex performance.

Moreover, the diet you follow pertaining to the practice of yoga also helps you gain a better sex life with your partner.

Body Flexibility

If you do regular Yoga, you might know that every Yoga asana targets one or multiple of your muscles. Few Yoga asanas even require all of your muscles to stretch and move.The stretching helps you to enhance the flexibility of your body. So, more flexible your body is, the more you can perform between the sheets.

There is no denial; sex is all about experimenting new moves and yoga gives you enough thrust to try all of them.

Improved Satisfaction

Have you heard about kegal exercise? These are the exercises solely meant for genital area and the standing Yoga asana even give the benefits of kegal exercise, apart from stretching your whole body. Consequently, it results in giving you much stronger orgasms. So that’s one of the many incentives you come across.

Gets pelvis in action

Yoga not only renders the benefits of kegal exercise but also strengthens your pelvic muscles. The pelvic muscles help in making the sex more vigorous. There are various Yoga exercises that work to make your pelvic floor tight and strong. Consequently, it helps women in getting great orgasm.

Increases the blood flow

Yoga increases the blood flow in your veins and organs of your body. And this blood flow increase revives your lost desire for sex.

The rise in blood flow rejuvenates your body from within giving you a glowing skin and healthy mind. So, go for Yoga and let your sex drive shoot up.

Smarter Sex Positions

Did you know that certain yogic poses can double up as splendid sex positions that can help deeper penetration and make up for the missing wow factor in your sexual life? Certain sex positions such as standing straddle forward bend, three legged dog pose, bridge pose, and more are classic examples of body positions that are popular during yoga practice.

Focused Sex

Imagine a picture: you are in the middle of making love with your partner, indulging in an amazing sex session, and suddenly a thought of an incomplete business deal hits you. Does this sound familiar? If yes, then Yoga is the key for you.

Yoga meditation increases your concentration during the sex by curbing any ruminating thought kill your sex drive in the moment. As we all know Yoga makes you calmer and removes any unnecessary distractions housed in your mind, which in turn helps you get maximum pleasure and improves the sexual connection with your partner. So, all in all Yoga helps you achieve the big O in a more pleasurable and focused manner.

Body Acceptance

The benefits of Yoga go beyond body and reach your mental status. It is found that people who practice regular Yoga are more accepting towards their natural flaws than people who do not.

Yoga teaches us to break the body stereotypes. It makes you feel beautiful with whatever assets you have.

Yoga makes you love your body the way it is and this is one of the pertinent factors which makes the sex more loving and fulfilling. After all, how can you make love with your partner if you do not love your own self?

Simply put, the Yoga is the best way to become self-aware and feel sexy just the way you are.

Sexual Mindfulness

Often people think sex is just about physical intimacy, but that’s not true. A true sex is the one which connects your mind and soul with your partner and Yoga helps accomplish this purpose.

The yoga practice fills you with all the positive energies. It makes you broad minded and more sensitive towards your body sensations and feelings. Sexual mindfulness is necessary to learn the true meaning of sex.

Yoga’s benefits are vast in numbers, and can only be understood once you actually begin practicing it. So, wait no more, hit the mat and look forward to a peaceful mind and blissful sexual life.


Curative Yoga Asanas For Various Ailments

Curative Yoga Asanas For Various Ailments

Yoga’s curative value for various ailments cannot be overlooked. With an established routine of a series of asanas, many of the diseases commonly affecting us can be cured and a healthier lifestyle enjoyed by all of us. Yoga prevents as well as cures several disorders of the body and mind. It establishes poise and harmony of the hormones and metabolism of the body; is stimulates endocrine system and builds up natural immunity of the body. In our bodies lie different forms of energies, when these forces are not utilized and directed properly, they cause a number of disorders. Yoga postures trigger and guide the amassed and sluggish vigor throughout the body; they purify the body and mind by freeing them from all toxic wastes.

Uses of different types of poses

Positions taken up while seated are beneficial for breathing, relaxation and meditation practices. They act as warm up exercise to start the session. The seated positions improve posture and open up the pelvic area.

Standing postures prove advantageous in strengthening your legs; they open up your hips and develop your sense of balance and poise.

Prescribed Asanas for ailments

Diabetes can be controlled and cured by:

  • Back Stretching Posture
  • Half-Spinal Twist Pose

Yoga asanas can help you with obesity by burning body fat; massaging the abdominal muscles by contracting and flexing them and improving blood circulation to those areas. Curative postures for this condition are:

  • Cobra Pose
  • Wind Relieving Posture

Health experts believe that constipation is the mother of all ailments; it is the outcome of unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, mental problems and tensions. Asanas holding curative value for this disorder are:

  • All members Pose
  • Fish Pose
  • Headstand posture

Bad posture while sitting, being overweight and our lifestyle contribute to back ache. To cure this ailment, you can work with:

  • Cobra Pose
  • Wind Relieving Posture
  • Locust Pose

Rheumatism and arthritis resulting from hardening of muscles, joints and tissues, are painful ailments; for their correction, Wind Relieving Posture is recommended. For Hyper-tension and high blood pressure, All Members and Corpse poses have curative value as they help unwind the body and drive worry and stress away. Illnesses of the respiratory tract, like, sinus, asthma, bronchitis and common cold can be healed by taking up Cobra, Bow and Fish asanas. These postures will fix the stoop and rounded shoulders. Digestive disease like hyperacidity results from improper dietary habits and intake of spice-laced food. Raised Feet, Cobra, Lotus and Yoga positions treat this problem suitably. Breathing and meditating exercises too as curative tools have a profound soothing effect on exhausted minds and frayed nerves.

Yoga asanas are a complete system that prevents and heals several ailments, even chronic ones. With its regular practice health is improved holistically. A full set or schedule of a combination of different postures is important to heal the mind, body and the spirit. The curative rewards of yoga make the heart healthy, regulate blood pressure within its normal range, alleviate anxiety, fortify immunity and create balance and harmony within one’s self.

Role Of Yoga In Health And Fitness

Due to the modernization of lifestyle, we have lost the harmony of life due to which, we have got several diseases such as hypertension, obesity, coronary heart diseases, etc. To prevent the diseases we need to adopt the better lifestyle, which include a balanced diet with proper physical activity.

Yoga is highly considered in the modern science of living. Yoga was derived from word “Yog” which means “to join” or “together”. Yoga is a method of information that aims to balance the mind, spirit, and body. Yoga may increase individual physical flexibility, coordination, and strength, while the breathing practices and meditation may calm and focus the mind to develop greater awareness. So we should incorporate yoga into our daily routine for the healthy lifestyle as well as it also provides relief from mental stress.

Benefits of Yoga

#6. Yoga for Overall Wellness– Regular practitioners of yoga may experience the overall fitness of the body such as it improves the health status, provides mental strength, protect from the injuries, increases awareness, helps to maintain the body energy levels, detoxifies the body etc. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your cells, which affects the body functioning and it increases the circulation in the body

#5. Yoga For Stress Relief And Inner Peace- A daily practice of yoga may help to get rid of the stress that is caused by various reasons. Yoga postures such as pranayama and meditation are the best effective techniques to provide relief from stress. These techniques also provide calmness, balance the mind and body functioning and bring inner peace to the body.

#4. Yoga For Better Flexibility And Posture- Add yoga in your daily routine to make your body more strong and flexible. Daily practice of stretching makes your muscles strong. It also improves the flexibility of the body. Due to poor posture, we get back, neck, muscle, and joint problems. Everyday practice of yoga helps to improve your body posture when you walk, stand, sit and sleep. Yoga also provides relief from pain due to incorrect posture.

#3. Yoga for Immunity –Yoga asanas improve the body immune function, it maintains the blood pressure hence prevents the cardiovascular diseases. Yoga increases blood circulation and fat burning to lower cholesterol. It stimulates insulin production thus prevent diabetes. It also improves the gastrointestinal function thus eliminate toxic waste substances from the body. It helps you to stay healthy by balancing metabolism by controlling hunger and the weight.

#2. Yoga For Weight Loss- Nowadays obesity is the major issue which affects the majority of the population; yoga is a technique which helps you with weight loss. A regular practice of yoga helps you to burns more calories, it balances the hormonal level as that may encourage you to eat a lesser amount of food and you lose weight, and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

#1. Yoga Increases Concentration Power- Yoga increases the concentration in an individual. Regular practice of yoga may improve your concentration and can result in the better focus on life and profession.

Thus the art of practicing yoga help in controlling the person’s mind, body and conscience. This holistic approach makes you physically as well as mentally fit, so include yoga asanas in your routine for health and fitness.

More Helpful Ideas And Tips About Gym Wear

More Helpful Ideas And Tips About Gym Wear

Anything which makes it comfortable for you too workout. You can wear a suit also if it makes u feel good about you. I wear Basketball shorts along with an XL tshirt for full movements.

Get a Bag That Works In and Out of the Gym

If you’re like most working professionals, you don’t always have the time to go home and prepare your workout must-haves. Good if it’s a weekend. You’re fine with a gym backpack. But if it’s a typical workday, after your shift, all you want to do is get your bag and head straight to the gym. So, before you think about what to wear, you should get yourself a nice bag that is versatile enough to match different outfits and purposes. Here are some features you should look for when shopping for a gym bag for men:

  1. Big enough to accommodate everything you can need, from your sexy gym workout clothes to your water bottle, healthy snacking foods, towels, etc. without looking so bulky.
  2. Versatile color. Stick to muted colors.
  3. Clean and classic. Since you’re taking it to work too, aim for a clean and classic style.
  4. Easy to clean. The last thing you want is to have a smelly, wet, and dusty bag. Choose a bag that has a waterproof bottom, hanger-friendly, and easy to clean. You will appreciate a male gym bag that has wipe-clean linings.

Wear Enough Clothes

What do guys wear to the gym? Forget about what you see in magazines or some fashion websites. You don’t want to go topless at the gym. It’s not only uncomfortable, but it’s also non-hygienic. Imagine using the bench press full of other people’s sweat. Learning how to dress for the gym should keep you from potential health issues.

Here are some great gym fashion ideas:

Wear moisture-wicking clothes

Look for stylish workout clothes men’s that are designed to draw perspiration away from your body. These performance fabrics are usually made with a blend of Lycra blend and polyester. They cost a little more than the regular shirts but they dry faster, last longer, and more comfortable to wear.

Go for tees

You might be tempted to look like one of the hot guys in tank tops. But really, girls find men who wear performance tees sexier. They are also more comfortable to wear. Also, muscle shirts that show the nipples are a big NO.

Keep it well-fit

Trade your over-sized tees for ones that are more fitted. Baggy clothes have no room for a productive and enjoyable workout. Neither do they have a spot in men’s gym clothes fashion. Make sure your clothes fit so they don’t flap around while you’re running or get into the joints of some workout machine and cause you major injury.

Avoid short shorts

Leggings or compression tights are the best workout pants men’s because they give you protection, comfort, and much flexibility to move around especially if you like to practice yoga poses. What’s more, they make you feel like you’re working out at the UFC training camp. Alternately, you can wear a pair of jogger pants for a comfortable workout.

Flatter your figure

Even though leggings are the best way to go, if you are more comfortable with gym shorts, that’s fine. While fashion comes and goes, what truly matters is that you feel comfortable with your outfit and that you can achieve your workout goals. Go for clothes that flatter your body shape, not too loose or tight, and kind’ to highlight your best features.

Learn About the Different Types of Active Wear Fabrics

Gym outfits for guys are made from varying materials and fabrics. Here are the most common fabrics for active wear:

  • Spandex – this is used for tight-fitting active wear which is critical for allowing your body to move comfortably.
  • Polyester – this inexpensive fabric holds is shape better than other fabrics. It also makes a strong and durable material for active wear. With the right treatment, it can have wicking and quick-dry properties.
  • Nylon – this material is highly resistant to abrasion. It is also treated to add wicking qualities.
  • Bamboo – fabrics made with bamboo are soft, cool, and comfortable to the skin.
  • Wool – this natural fiber is highly breathable and moisture-absorbing. It also has thermo regulation properties.

Get the Right Shoes

Your workout shoes are just as important as your workout clothes. You will find many stylish sneakers for men that can complement your gym outfits but men’s gym shoes should always be comfortable. Remember that mens fitness fashion isn’t just all about what looks great. It also what feels great. So, before you pick one, keep in mind the following guidelines:

Trainers for gym class

The best men’s shoes for workout provide great support, comfort, and balance. While running shoes sound suitable, they are suitable only for that. If you regularly go to the gym to work out, a good pair of training shoes is a good investment.

Flat-soled shoes for weight-lifting

For weight and strength training exercises, you need shoes that have a firm and flat base. Well, you are better off with your bare feet. But if the gym does not allow this, you need shoes with firm soles.

Running shoes for the treadmill

If you clock in time on the treadmill whenever you are at the gym, you should also get yourself a pair of running shoes.

Only wear useful accessories

What’s mens workout fashion without accessories? Of course, you need them to complete your outfit. But then, you want to limit yourself to only those that are necessary for your workout.

Jewelry is not only unnecessary in the gym

They’re also unsafe. Not only will you be causing damage to your precious items, they may also lead to accidents. For instance, wearing rings while lifting heavy weights can cause discomfort to your fingers.

Phone wear band

If you’re one of the many guys who can’t work out without music, or if you constantly have to check your phone for some important matters, a phone wear band is a super helpful gym accessory.

Fitness trackers

A fitness watch is a great accessory for monitoring your progress. Surely, it adds to your motivation to know how many calories you’ve burned or how many steps you’ve run. Look for a watch with monitor and GPS, and is ideally water resistant.

Weight belt

If lifting weights is part of your program, you should include a weight belt in your wardrobe. It’s such a helpful accessory that gives you enough support for your back and core, and there are even exercises women should avoid without appropriate workout items.

Breathable socks

Choose lightweight and breathable socks that are neither too tight or too lose.

Go wireless

Go with wireless or over-ear headphones. It makes life so much better.

Wash bag is a must

Of course, you want to freshen up after a sweaty gym session. Go for dual-action products (such as a 3-in-1 shampoo) to save space. Don’t forget to include sanitizing wipes, deodorant, body cologne, hand sanitizer, and a face towel in your wash bag.

Wear Season-appropriate Top Layer

As you enter the gym, you’re probably in your hoodie most of the time. But it doesn’t give sufficient coverage, comfort, and convenience.

Gilet for colder months

When it gets seriously chilly, a jacket alone won’t cut it. Getting yourself a gilet is the best way to get comfortable working out during the winter. It’s excellent in keeping you warm without the bulk and intensity of a regular jacket. Choose thin shell versions of the gilet in neutral colors, such as black, grey or blue. Thin gilets make moving around easy and comfortable.

Windbreakers for warmer days

An activewear windbreaker is a great addition to your fitness wardrobe. It doesn’t just look stylish. It also makes working out more comfortable when it’s warm. Choose something lightweight and slim fit.

Choosing the right gym wear can not only help you feel more comfortable during your workouts but can also boost your confidence and motivation. Here are some additional ideas and tips about gym wear:

  1. Choose Breathable Fabrics: Breathable fabrics such as cotton, bamboo, or moisture-wicking materials can help to keep you cool and comfortable during your workouts.
  2. Look for Fit and Function: Your gym wear should fit well and allow for a full range of motion during exercise. Avoid clothing that is too loose or too tight, as both can be uncomfortable and restrict movement.
  3. Invest in Quality Shoes: A good pair of shoes can make all the difference in your workouts, providing support and stability for your feet and ankles. Look for shoes that are designed specifically for your type of exercise, whether it’s running, weightlifting, or cross-training.
  4. Don’t Forget about Accessories: Accessories such as headbands, gloves, and workout towels can help to keep you comfortable and focused during your workouts. Additionally, a quality gym bag can help you stay organized and make it easier to bring all your essentials with you to the gym.
  5. Consider Style and Design: While function and fit are important, it’s also okay to prioritize style and design when choosing your gym wear. Choosing workout clothes that you feel good in and that reflect your personal style can help you feel more confident and motivated during your workouts.


To pull off fashionable activewear, there are five things you have to consider. The first one is having a versatile bag that you can use in and out of the gym. Secondly, wear enough clothes. Choose moisture-wicking gym outfits that are breathable, comfortable, and fit your body. Third, wear the right shoes. You may need more than one pair of shoes for various workout activities. Fourth, bring only essential accessories. And lastly, invest in a season-appropriate layer.

Looking great in the gym can boost your confidence. While you don’t want to look like a fashion model while pounding the treadmill or lifting weights, keeping in style surely adds to your motivation. More importantly, learning about the best gym clothes for men is crucial to feel comfortable, safe, and confident during each workout session.

increase your strength with arms machines

How to increase your strength with arms machines

If you are looking to increase your strength with arm machines, here are some tips to follow:

  1. Start with the basics: Begin with light weights and focus on mastering proper form and technique before increasing the weight.
  2. Use a variety of machines: Different machines target different muscle groups in the arms, so use a variety of machines to ensure you are working all the muscles in your arms.
  3. Gradually increase weight and repetitions: As your strength improves, gradually increase the weight and repetitions to continue challenging your muscles.
  4. Allow for rest and recovery: Rest is important for muscle recovery and growth, so allow for adequate rest days between arm machine workouts.
  5. Incorporate other exercises: In addition to arm machines, incorporate other exercises that target the arms such as push-ups, pull-ups, and dumbbell curls to ensure you are working all the muscles in your arms.
  6. Consistency is key: To see results, it is important to be consistent with your arm machine workouts and stick to a regular exercise routine.

Remember to consult a fitness professional or your healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise program, especially if you have any health conditions or injuries.

How to be successful in bodybuilding, and in life!

How to be successful in bodybuilding, and in life

Success in bodybuilding, as in any other pursuit, requires discipline, hard work, and consistency. Here are some tips for achieving success in bodybuilding and in life:

  1. Set clear goals: Set specific, measurable goals for your bodybuilding journey, such as increasing your strength or improving your physique. Having clear goals will help you stay motivated and focused.
  2. Develop a plan: Create a workout plan that is tailored to your goals and abilities, and stick to it consistently. It’s also important to have a nutrition plan that supports your goals, including adequate protein and nutrient-dense foods.
  3. Be consistent: Consistency is key to achieving success in bodybuilding and in life. Stick to your workout and nutrition plan, even when it’s difficult or you don’t feel like it. Small, consistent efforts add up over time.
  4. Track your progress: Keep track of your progress by taking photos, measurements, and tracking your workouts. This can help you see your progress and stay motivated.
  5. Surround yourself with support: Surround yourself with people who support your goals and encourage you to be your best self. This can include friends, family, or a coach or trainer.
  6. Practice self-care: Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Make time for activities that you enjoy, such as reading or spending time with loved ones, and prioritize rest and recovery.
  7. Stay motivated: Motivation can be difficult to maintain over time, but there are many strategies that can help. These include setting small goals, rewarding yourself for progress, and finding a workout partner or accountability partner.

By following these tips, you can achieve success in bodybuilding and in life. Remember that success takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

Does weight training boost your confidence and self-image? Are you feeling better after working out? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have embraced this sport simply because it makes them feel good. The health benefits of bodybuilding go beyond a great body and muscle strength. Weight training can give you a mental boost, improve concentration, and keep your brain sharp. It also increases your chances of success in life.

How Does a Successful Person Look Like?

The definition of success varies from one person to another. However, most people agree that feeling and looking good is the first step down the road of success. Being happy takes energy. Individuals who are constantly stressed, anxious, and depressed have a poor physical performance compared to those living their life to the fullest. Bodybuilding improves mental health and physical appearance, which will result in a better emotional state. In other words, it makes you happy and increases your odds of success in the long run.

It Takes Strength to Be Successful

Being successful requires physical and mental strength. If you’re not strong enough mentally, you won’t be able to deal with criticism. You also need physical strength to stay healthy and fight for the things you want.

People who have success in their personal and professional life are often judged by others. If you ever become successful, you’ll hear things like: “I wonder who she’s slept with to get that job,” “He got to the top only because of his parents,” or “She might have a successful career, but she’s probably an awful mother or wife.” No matter how good you are in what you do, people will keep talking behind your back.

Dealing with criticism requires emotional strength. You need to be aware of your value and skills, and put them at good use. Lifting weights not only will make you physically stronger, but increase your self-esteem. It will give you the strength needed to bring your dreams to life and break through plateaus. If you look and feel good, you cam do anything!

The Road to Success

A fit, strong body indicates a stable and extroverted personality. Building your body will take patience confidence, stamina, power, courage, and hard work. These are the same skills required for becoming successful. By training your body, you’ll build the foundation of a fulfilled life.

Scientists agree to this theory. Numerous studies have found that physically strong people were happier with their appearance, more confident, and less anxious than their physically weaker counterparts. They also had greater confidence and a more sociable personally.

Research also suggests that strong, muscular individuals look more charismatic and trustworthy in the eyes of their peers. They receive more positive feedback from their colleagues and friends, and feel better when looking in the mirror.

Bodybuilding will improve the way you are perceived by others. It will also help you look the way you want. Every set, every rep, and every minute you work out represents a reached goal. What better way to build the foundation of a successful life?

How to use back machines? Important tips!

The lower back extension device or Roman chair is used for an isolation exercising that objectives the decrease-lower back muscles, broadly speaking the erector spinae.

You lock your heels below a pad or curler with some other pad to help your decrease frame as you recline face-down. This enables flexing on the waist.

The exercising calls for which you bend on the waist, and a touch on the hips, decreasing the torso till the higher and decrease frame shape a proper angle. The extension is generally done as a body weight exercising, the usage of simplest the higher frame for the load. The use of the lower back extension device is controversial, as terrible approach can bring about an injury. It may be a part of a strengthening program.

Bent over dips with weighted plates, Pull-ups (huge grip) with weights, chin-ups (with weights), lat pull downs, bent over dumbbell or barbell rows, T bar rows, seated cable rows, unmarried passed dumbbell rows.

Few points –

Lift heavy – for dips, pull ups – in case you are already accurate with frame weight – strive the use of weight belt after which connect weights and maintain increasing – modern overload to returned glaringly applies.

2 sports that gave me returned power quite speedy were – bent over dips, chin-ups – for you it is able to be pull-ups – it varies – however take into account weights – it is very crucial to growth resistance – begin heavy – low rep – 4-6 is right enough – you could do extra units in case you’d like.

The following is bro-medical however I’m going to mention it anyhow – The day i plan to inform my frame to grow – what I do is – 6-7 units of 4-6 reps 1 huge set of 1-10 (I begin outstanding heavy wherein I can do one rep after which simply maintain losing weight till I can do 10) – this technique constantly offers me what choice in phrases of length and power.

For Chin-ups however – do as many as you could, in case you are weighted or not – for at the least five units with forty five seconds timeout in between.

On lat pull down – I favor to chin-up kind grip – despite the fact that I begin with what I hate most – that is the conventional pull-up huge grip.

Back muscle tissue want time to grow – you want to up your carbs in conjunction with protein – 1g/lb rule, in conjunction with 2 g/lb for carbs at the least – protein synthesis isn’t always very green in my enjoy with out carbs – they’re crucial for lift – so increase days are constantly excessive carb excessive protein days – and also you want to be in caloric surplus! Good luck…


Better ways yoga can improve your productivity

Better ways yoga can improve your productivity

Yoga is a mind-body practice that has been shown to have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, including improving productivity. Here are some ways in which yoga can improve productivity:

  1. Reducing stress: Yoga has been shown to reduce stress levels by decreasing the levels of stress hormones in the body, such as cortisol. This can help to improve focus, concentration, and decision-making skills.
  2. Improving focus and concentration: The practice of yoga involves focused breathing and concentration on body movements, which can help to improve focus and concentration skills. This can translate into better productivity at work or in other activities.
  3. Enhancing creativity: Yoga can help to clear the mind and improve mental clarity, which can lead to enhanced creativity and innovative thinking.
  4. Boosting energy levels: Yoga poses and breathing exercises can help to increase circulation and oxygen flow in the body, which can help to boost energy levels and improve productivity.
  5. Improving posture and reducing physical discomfort: Sitting for extended periods of time can cause physical discomfort, such as back pain and neck tension, which can negatively impact productivity. Yoga can help to improve posture and reduce physical discomfort, leading to better productivity.
  6. Promoting overall health: Yoga has numerous physical and mental health benefits, including improving immune function, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation. When you feel healthy and well-rested, you are more likely to be productive and efficient in your daily tasks.

Overall, incorporating regular yoga practice into your routine can have a positive impact on productivity by reducing stress, improving focus and concentration, enhancing creativity, boosting energy levels, reducing physical discomfort, and promoting overall health.


Yoga Will Boost Your Productivity and Mental Health. It’s true that yoga helps us to reduce stress, unwind and calm down. Yoga also helps us to sleep better. But guess what? These same reasons are precisely what can help boost your productivity.

Let’s take a look at sleep. Like many of us, you may not be getting enough sleep. Combine reduced hours in bed coupled with trouble sleeping soundly, and you can bet your productivity will plummet!

With enough caffeine, any of us can feel like productivity superheroes, but the reality is, caffeine is only a temporary and unhealthy method of increasing your energy.

Researchers now believe that chronic lack of sleep can cause depression. And someone that’s suffering from depression is definitely not at their most productive best. But practicing yoga can eliminate sleep deprivation.

You may be dealing with a lot of stress. If you are chronically anxious, you will not be able to think clearly. Not to mention, chronic stress is equated with a host of health problems.

yoga productivity

Yoga and prefrontal stimulation

Yoga, especially yoga meditation, stimulates the prefrontal lobes of your brain. This is where higher thinking and critical decision-making occur. Having more grey matter (brain cells) in this important area of the brain is sure to help boost productivity. Moreover, this area of the brain is also where the “feel good” hormones, like dopamine, is released.

So, a brain on yoga is a happy brain! And a happy brain is a productive one.

Practicing Yoga Will Boost Your Productivity

Practicing yoga isn’t complicated at all. During yoga, if you like the sound of silence that can calm your mind. Some people like to play a little faint tantric music or the sounds of the ocean.

Ideally, you decide how much time you want to spend doing yoga and you can try chanting a mantra and then alternate the next time to pure silence. By practicing yoga, here are ten aspects of your health that can greatly improve:

Higher thinking
Stress levels
Pain levels
Anxiety levels

Yoga can also act as an insurance plan. If you feel that you’re already doing well, yoga can help you stay prepared and on top of your game.

Imagine being healthy, well-rested, full of natural energy, focused, on task, and feeling happy.



Increase your endurance through Pilates method

While Pilates is often associated with improving flexibility and core strength, it can also be a great way to increase your endurance. Here are some tips for using the Pilates method to improve your endurance:

  1. Focus on Breathing: Proper breathing is essential for building endurance, as it helps to oxygenate your muscles and improve your stamina. In Pilates, focus on using deep, diaphragmatic breathing that expands your ribcage and engages your core.
  2. Incorporate Cardio: While Pilates is not traditionally thought of as a cardio workout, you can incorporate elements of cardio into your Pilates routine to improve your endurance. This could involve adding faster-paced movements such as jumping jacks or high knees, or doing a Pilates routine that focuses on continuous movement.
  3. Use Your Own Bodyweight: Pilates exercises that use your own bodyweight, such as planks and push-ups, can help to build strength and endurance at the same time.
  4. Add Resistance: Using resistance bands or weights can add an extra challenge to your Pilates routine, helping to build endurance and strength at the same time.
  5. Stay Consistent: As with any workout program, consistency is key to improving endurance. Aim to do Pilates at least 2-3 times per week, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you progress.

Remember, building endurance takes time and dedication. Be patient with yourself, listen to your body, and stay committed to your Pilates practice to see improvements in your stamina and overall fitness.

How physical exercise makes your brain better?

How physical exercise makes your brain better?

Your mental state during, and after, (for maybe a few hours), will be better for sure. Endorphins, and other chemical changes will give you a heightened sense of awareness, happiness or contentment, followed ,(at the conclusion), by a more relaxed physical and mental state. Using weights and/or doing body weight exercises is possibly the quickest, most practical, and most beneficial way to feel this.

  1. When you eat right and exercise everyday, you’ve learned the art of ‘determination’ , the will power to make a right choice, no excuses around to make healthy living your only way of living, smarter brains may be missing that.
  2. When one grows old and struggle to cope up with the doctor visits, bed ridden lifestyle and have started seeing oneself going down the path of ageing. You, the one who picked up the choice of healthy living, feel way smarter and more than capable of doing things your counterpart cannot.

Physical exercise has numerous benefits for the brain, including:

  1. Increased blood flow and oxygen to the brain: Exercise stimulates the cardiovascular system, increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain. This can improve cognitive function, including memory and attention.
  2. Neurogenesis: Exercise has been shown to increase the production of new neurons in the hippocampus, a region of the brain important for learning and memory.
  3. Improved mood: Exercise releases endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that can improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  4. Reduced inflammation: Chronic inflammation in the body can contribute to a variety of health problems, including cognitive decline. Exercise has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which can have a positive impact on brain health.
  5. Improved sleep: Exercise can improve sleep quality, which is essential for cognitive function and overall brain health.
  6. Increased growth factors: Exercise increases the production of growth factors in the brain, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which can promote the growth and survival of neurons and improve cognitive function.

Overall, regular physical exercise can have a powerful impact on brain health and cognitive function, helping to improve memory, attention, mood, and overall cognitive performance.

No excuse: Cardio pump workout for healthy body

Cardio pump workout is a great way to get in shape and maintain a healthy body. It combines cardiovascular exercises with strength training to provide a full-body workout that burns calories and builds muscle.

Here are some tips for a no-excuse cardio pump workout:

  1. Start with a warm-up: Begin your workout with a five to ten minute warm-up, such as jogging in place, jumping jacks, or cycling on a stationary bike. This will help to increase your heart rate, warm up your muscles, and prepare your body for the workout.
  2. Choose your exercises: A cardio pump workout typically includes a combination of cardiovascular exercises and strength training exercises. Cardio exercises can include jogging, jumping rope, or using a treadmill or elliptical machine, while strength training exercises can include squats, lunges, and bench presses.
  3. Use weights: Incorporating weights into your workout can help to increase the intensity and effectiveness of your workout. You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells to perform exercises such as bicep curls, shoulder presses, and chest presses.
  4. Monitor your heart rate: Use a heart rate monitor to keep track of your heart rate throughout your workout. This will help you to stay within your target heart rate zone and ensure that you are getting the most out of your workout.
  5. Cool down and stretch: Finish your workout with a five to ten minute cool down, such as walking or stretching. This will help to gradually lower your heart rate, prevent injury, and improve flexibility.
  6. Stay consistent: Consistency is key to achieving and maintaining a healthy body. Aim to do a cardio pump workout at least three to four times per week, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time.

Remember, there are no excuses when it comes to taking care of your body. A cardio pump workout can be done at home or at the gym, with or without equipment, and at any fitness level. So get moving and start working towards a healthier you!

jump for Kangoo Jumps

Massive reasons to jump for Kangoo Jumps

Kangoo Jump is an amazing and safe approach to cardio and core muscle work. It saves your joints and improves your endurance for all fitness activities. It is also a great way to train runners to strengthen and lengthen their stride.

Kangoo Jumps is a type of exercise that involves using rebound shoes with springs attached to the bottom. Here are some potential benefits of Kangoo Jumps:

  1. Low-Impact: Kangoo Jumps are a low-impact exercise, which means they put less stress on your joints compared to high-impact exercises like running or jumping jacks. This makes them a great option for people with joint pain or those who want to reduce their risk of injury.
  2. Improves Cardiovascular Health: Kangoo Jumps can help to improve cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and oxygen intake. This can lead to improved endurance, stamina, and overall fitness.
  3. Builds Strength: Kangoo Jumps require the use of multiple muscle groups, including your legs, core, and upper body. This can help to improve strength and muscle tone.
  4. Burns Calories: Kangoo Jumps can be an effective way to burn calories and lose weight. According to some estimates, Kangoo Jumps can burn up to 800 calories per hour.
  5. Fun and Motivating: Many people find Kangoo Jumps to be a fun and motivating form of exercise. The rebound shoes can make you feel like you’re bouncing on a trampoline, which can be a fun way to get your heart pumping.

Overall, Kangoo Jumps can be a great way to get in shape, improve your cardiovascular health, and have fun at the same time. However, as with any new exercise, it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity to avoid injury.

Rebounding is an exercise that:

  • Reduces your body fat
  • Firms your arms, legs, thighs, abdomen, and hips
  • Increases your agility
  • Strengthens your muscles overall
  • Provides an aerobic effect for your heart
  • Rejuvenates your body when it’s tired
  • Puts you in a state of health, fitness and well being

People who rebound find they are able to work longer, sleep better, and feel less tense and nervous. The effect is not just psychological. The action of bouncing up and down against gravity, without trauma to the musculoskeletal system, is one of the most beneficial aerobic exercises ever developed.