
Helpful ideas to improve your motivation

Most people want to change at least one thing in their life. But it can be challenging to find the motivation just to make a start. It helps to understand what motivation means to you so you can find your own ways to get motivated.

What is motivation?

Motivation is the drive to achieve your goals or needs. It is influenced by:

  • how much you want the goal
  • what you will gain
  • your personal expectations

Why is motivation important?

Motivation is important because it:

  • provides you with goals to work towards
  • helps you solve problems
  • helps you change old habits
  • helps you cope with challenges and opportunities

Getting motivated

Most people struggle with motivation, but it is even more challenging if you have mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Here are some tips:

  • Set yourself one specific, achievable goal.
  • Think about how to include that goal in your life, what you need do to make it happen, and then put a timeframe on it (such as a week).
  • Break your goal into small, easy tasks and set regular reminders.
  • Use your family and friends as support – tell them about your goals and encourage them to help keep you motivated. has more tips on getting motivated.

Ways to keep on track

  • Make your goal part of your routine by using a diary or app for reminders.
  • Positive self-talk is important and effective in managing depression or anxiety. Instead of saying ‘I can’t’, say ‘I can try’.
  • Mindfulness helps keep you relaxed and focused.
  • Start a class or join a support group. Support groups can be as effective as professional help.
  • Reward yourself when you have completed a step or goal.

Ways to stay motivated

Here are some tips:

  • Regularly review your goals and progress. Seeing progress is a great motivator in itself, and also improves your self-esteem.
  • Continue to set new goals. Think about what you want to achieve next week, next month and next year. Tackle one goal at a time so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
  • Keep the momentum up. It takes up to 3 months to develop a new habit, so keeping the momentum and routine helps it feel more automatic over time.
  • Find mentors – a mentor is someone who is experienced in the habit you want to change. Finding social or support groups with the same interest can help you find a mentor.
  • Surround yourself with positive people. Positive friends and family enhance your positive self-talk, which also helps to manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • Use exercise as one of your daily goals to improve your mental health.

What to do if you lose motivation

Setbacks are normal, but developing resilience can help you carry on and pick up where you left off. Here are some tips to help you find your motivation again:

  • Review your goals and see if they are realistic in the timeframe you have set. You may need to break your goal down further into smaller and more achievable goals.
  • Remember why you wanted to get motivated or reach that goal in the first place.
  • Take motivation from others – feel inspired by reading a book, talking to your mentor or friends or family who have reached similar goals to the ones you have set.
  • Sometimes you just need to take a break and start afresh.

No excuse: Cardio pump workout for healthy body

Cardio pump workout is a great way to get in shape and maintain a healthy body. It combines cardiovascular exercises with strength training to provide a full-body workout that burns calories and builds muscle.

Here are some tips for a no-excuse cardio pump workout:

  1. Start with a warm-up: Begin your workout with a five to ten minute warm-up, such as jogging in place, jumping jacks, or cycling on a stationary bike. This will help to increase your heart rate, warm up your muscles, and prepare your body for the workout.
  2. Choose your exercises: A cardio pump workout typically includes a combination of cardiovascular exercises and strength training exercises. Cardio exercises can include jogging, jumping rope, or using a treadmill or elliptical machine, while strength training exercises can include squats, lunges, and bench presses.
  3. Use weights: Incorporating weights into your workout can help to increase the intensity and effectiveness of your workout. You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, or barbells to perform exercises such as bicep curls, shoulder presses, and chest presses.
  4. Monitor your heart rate: Use a heart rate monitor to keep track of your heart rate throughout your workout. This will help you to stay within your target heart rate zone and ensure that you are getting the most out of your workout.
  5. Cool down and stretch: Finish your workout with a five to ten minute cool down, such as walking or stretching. This will help to gradually lower your heart rate, prevent injury, and improve flexibility.
  6. Stay consistent: Consistency is key to achieving and maintaining a healthy body. Aim to do a cardio pump workout at least three to four times per week, and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts over time.

Remember, there are no excuses when it comes to taking care of your body. A cardio pump workout can be done at home or at the gym, with or without equipment, and at any fitness level. So get moving and start working towards a healthier you!

Better ways to dress for a gym workout.

Dressing appropriately for a gym workout can help you feel comfortable, confident, and focused on your fitness goals. Here are some tips for dressing for a gym workout:

  1. Wear comfortable, moisture-wicking clothing: Choose clothing that is made of breathable fabrics, such as cotton or moisture-wicking materials, that will help to keep you cool and dry during your workout. Avoid clothing that is too tight or restrictive, as this can limit your range of motion.
  2. Invest in supportive footwear: Choose athletic shoes that provide adequate support for your feet and ankles, and that are designed for the specific type of exercise you will be doing. For example, running shoes are designed for forward motion, while cross-training shoes are better for lateral movements.
  3. Layer up: Depending on the temperature and intensity of your workout, you may need to layer up or down. Wear layers that can easily be removed or added as needed.
  4. Dress appropriately for the activity: Different types of workouts may require different types of clothing. For example, yoga may require stretchy pants and a form-fitting top, while weightlifting may require looser clothing that allows for a full range of motion.
  5. Consider safety: If you will be working out in low light or at night, wear reflective clothing or accessories to improve visibility. If you will be doing outdoor activities in the sun, wear sunscreen and a hat to protect your skin.
  6. Wear accessories as needed: Depending on your workout, you may need to wear accessories such as a sweatband, gloves, or a supportive brace. Choose accessories that are comfortable and supportive.

Remember that dressing for a gym workout is not just about looking good, but also about feeling comfortable and safe during your workout. Choose clothing and footwear that allows you to move freely and focus on your fitness goals.

Smart Ways To Motivate Yourself To Work Out

Smart Ways To Motivate Yourself To Work Out

Staying motivated to work out can be a challenge, but there are some smart strategies you can use to keep yourself on track. Here are some tips for motivating yourself to work out:

  1. Set Specific Goals: Setting specific, measurable goals can give you a clear sense of purpose and help you stay focused on what you want to achieve. Whether it’s running a 5k, lifting a certain amount of weight, or fitting into a certain pair of jeans, having a specific goal in mind can help you stay motivated to work out.
  2. Find an Accountability Buddy: Working out with a friend or joining a fitness group can help you stay accountable and motivated. When you know someone is counting on you to show up for a workout, you’re more likely to stick with it.
  3. Mix It Up: Doing the same workout routine day after day can quickly become boring and lead to a lack of motivation. Try mixing up your workouts by trying new activities or incorporating different exercises or routines.
  4. Reward Yourself: Give yourself a reward for reaching your fitness goals. It could be something small, like a favorite treat or a new workout outfit, or something larger, like a vacation or a spa day. Having a tangible reward to look forward to can help keep you motivated.
  5. Remember the Benefits: It can be easy to lose sight of why you started working out in the first place. Take a moment to remember the benefits of exercise, such as improved health, increased energy, and reduced stress. Focusing on the positive aspects of exercise can help you stay motivated.
  6. Create a Routine: Establishing a routine can help you make exercise a habit. Whether you work out in the morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening, having a consistent routine can help you stay on track.

Motivation is not always easy, but it is essential for achieving your fitness goals. Use these tips to stay motivated and keep working towards a healthier, happier you.

How to be successful in bodybuilding, and in life!

How to be successful in bodybuilding, and in life

Success in bodybuilding, as in any other pursuit, requires discipline, hard work, and consistency. Here are some tips for achieving success in bodybuilding and in life:

  1. Set clear goals: Set specific, measurable goals for your bodybuilding journey, such as increasing your strength or improving your physique. Having clear goals will help you stay motivated and focused.
  2. Develop a plan: Create a workout plan that is tailored to your goals and abilities, and stick to it consistently. It’s also important to have a nutrition plan that supports your goals, including adequate protein and nutrient-dense foods.
  3. Be consistent: Consistency is key to achieving success in bodybuilding and in life. Stick to your workout and nutrition plan, even when it’s difficult or you don’t feel like it. Small, consistent efforts add up over time.
  4. Track your progress: Keep track of your progress by taking photos, measurements, and tracking your workouts. This can help you see your progress and stay motivated.
  5. Surround yourself with support: Surround yourself with people who support your goals and encourage you to be your best self. This can include friends, family, or a coach or trainer.
  6. Practice self-care: Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Make time for activities that you enjoy, such as reading or spending time with loved ones, and prioritize rest and recovery.
  7. Stay motivated: Motivation can be difficult to maintain over time, but there are many strategies that can help. These include setting small goals, rewarding yourself for progress, and finding a workout partner or accountability partner.

By following these tips, you can achieve success in bodybuilding and in life. Remember that success takes time and effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

Does weight training boost your confidence and self-image? Are you feeling better after working out? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have embraced this sport simply because it makes them feel good. The health benefits of bodybuilding go beyond a great body and muscle strength. Weight training can give you a mental boost, improve concentration, and keep your brain sharp. It also increases your chances of success in life.

How Does a Successful Person Look Like?

The definition of success varies from one person to another. However, most people agree that feeling and looking good is the first step down the road of success. Being happy takes energy. Individuals who are constantly stressed, anxious, and depressed have a poor physical performance compared to those living their life to the fullest. Bodybuilding improves mental health and physical appearance, which will result in a better emotional state. In other words, it makes you happy and increases your odds of success in the long run.

It Takes Strength to Be Successful

Being successful requires physical and mental strength. If you’re not strong enough mentally, you won’t be able to deal with criticism. You also need physical strength to stay healthy and fight for the things you want.

People who have success in their personal and professional life are often judged by others. If you ever become successful, you’ll hear things like: “I wonder who she’s slept with to get that job,” “He got to the top only because of his parents,” or “She might have a successful career, but she’s probably an awful mother or wife.” No matter how good you are in what you do, people will keep talking behind your back.

Dealing with criticism requires emotional strength. You need to be aware of your value and skills, and put them at good use. Lifting weights not only will make you physically stronger, but increase your self-esteem. It will give you the strength needed to bring your dreams to life and break through plateaus. If you look and feel good, you cam do anything!

The Road to Success

A fit, strong body indicates a stable and extroverted personality. Building your body will take patience confidence, stamina, power, courage, and hard work. These are the same skills required for becoming successful. By training your body, you’ll build the foundation of a fulfilled life.

Scientists agree to this theory. Numerous studies have found that physically strong people were happier with their appearance, more confident, and less anxious than their physically weaker counterparts. They also had greater confidence and a more sociable personally.

Research also suggests that strong, muscular individuals look more charismatic and trustworthy in the eyes of their peers. They receive more positive feedback from their colleagues and friends, and feel better when looking in the mirror.

Bodybuilding will improve the way you are perceived by others. It will also help you look the way you want. Every set, every rep, and every minute you work out represents a reached goal. What better way to build the foundation of a successful life?

Perfect morning workouts for a healthy mind

Perfect morning workouts for a healthy mind

Should you hit the gym right after you roll out of bed, or is it better to pump iron after you clock out of work? When it comes to exercise, timing matters. There isn’t unanimous scientific evidence that crowns one the champ. But morning and evening routines each bring a unique array of benefits. It’s up to you to choose which suit you better. Of course, the best time to workout is whenever you can consistently get yourself to go. Here are some morning workout benefits and evening workout benefits.

  • Induces a positive mood. Feeling down during the workday? Improve your mood with an early morning workout. One study found that working out boosts your mood for 12 hours. This effect isn’t confined to a time of day, but it can help you survive daily annoyances like traffic and TPS reports.
  • Allows “fasted training.” It may seem a little unorthodox to start off your day without breakfast first thing in the morning, but research shows an overnight fast can be beneficial before workouts. It helps control appetite, improve glucose tolerance, and boosts insulin sensitivity.
  • Lowers blood pressure. A small, active investment in the morning can yield long-lasting rewards throughout the day. One study found that exercising 30 minutes 3 mornings a week caused middle age people to experience a 10% drop in blood pressure throughout the day. Their blood pressure even saw a 25% decrease by bedtime.
  • Improves sleep. Millions of Americans suffer sleepless night. Morning workouts may be a possible solution for insomnia. They help maintain a consistent sleep schedule because. Also, research reports those who worked out in the morning enjoyed longer, better quality sleep than other groups who exercised later in the day.
  • Improves cognitive function. An early morning workout stimulates growth factors that support brain development. Your memory will get sharper over time as your brain strengthens. In addition, earlier workouts are a corrective measure for age-related changes in circadian rhythms associated with dementia. No wonder an early run can leave you feeling so productive
  • Good for strength training. Cardio steadily raises your body temperature over an extended period of time. But weight training can be done in small intervals without changing your body temperature too much. In doing so, you don’t need to worry about disrupting your body’s temperature and desire for sleep. Working out in the evening may also be more preferable for those who feel too tired after a morning workout.

Benefits Of An Evening Workout

  • Good for strength training. Cardio steadily raises your body temperature over an extended period of time. But weight training can be done in small intervals without changing your body temperature too much. In doing so, you don’t need to worry about disrupting your body’s temperature and desire for sleep. Working out in the evening may also be more preferable for those who feel too tired after a morning workout.
  • Favors muscle mass development. Testosterone promotes muscle and bone growth in men and women. Our bodies produce more testosterone in the evening, which pairs well with strength and resistance training. Thus, you can build lean muscle mass easier and increase your metabolic rate while you’re at it.
  • Lowers cortisol levels. Extreme exercise promotes cortisol because you’re inducing a level of physical demand that resembles the body under stress. It’s not necessarily a bad thing because your body needs more oxygen delivered to muscles and stress releases hormones to meet bodily needs during exercise. Too much stress, however, is linked to increased fat storage. Luckily for you, cortisol levels are lower at night than in the morning. So you can workout harder without worrying about the amount of cortisol in your body.
  • Greater flexibility. Warming up is never a bad idea. Evening trainers will be happy to hear that the body is more flexible by the end of the day. Flexibility helps avoid preventable exercise injuries. Keep in mind that this primarily holds true if you’re naturally moving around throughout the day and not sitting in a stationary position.
  • Less post-workout soreness. If you wake up sore from yesterday’s workout, chances are you won’t be thrilled about heading straight to the gym. The pain comes from Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), and it lessens throughout the day. The good news is that working out at night optimizes oxygen use and tolerates a higher anaerobic capacity during endurance exercise. This reduces post-workout soreness.
Mental Stress Relief

Most Effective Daily Workout For Mental Stress Relief

Exercise in almost any form can act as a stress reliever. Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries.

You know that exercise does your body good, but you’re too busy and stressed to fit it into your routine. Hold on a second — there’s good news when it comes to exercise and stress.

Virtually any form of exercise, from aerobics to yoga, can act as a stress reliever. If you’re not an athlete or even if you’re out of shape, you can still make a little exercise go a long way toward stress management. Discover the connection between exercise and stress relief — and why exercise should be part of your stress management plan.

There are many types of workouts that can be effective for mental stress relief, but here are a few that have been shown to be particularly helpful:

  1. Yoga: Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, and meditation. It has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and promote relaxation.
  2. Cardiovascular exercise: Any type of exercise that gets your heart rate up, such as running, cycling, or swimming, can help to reduce stress and improve mood. Cardiovascular exercise also releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters.
  3. Mindful walking: Mindful walking involves paying close attention to your surroundings, focusing on your breath, and being fully present in the moment. This type of exercise can help to reduce stress and improve mental clarity.
  4. Strength training: Strength training exercises, such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, can help to reduce stress by releasing tension in the muscles. It can also improve confidence and self-esteem, which can help to reduce anxiety.
  5. Tai chi: Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that involves slow, gentle movements and deep breathing. It has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve balance and flexibility, and promote relaxation.

Incorporating any of these workouts into your daily routine can help to reduce mental stress and improve overall mental health. It’s important to choose a type of exercise that you enjoy and that feels good for your body, and to make it a consistent part of your daily routine.

Exercise and stress relief

Exercise increases your overall health and your sense of well-being, which puts more pep in your step every day. But exercise also has some direct stress-busting benefits.

  • It pumps up your endorphins. Physical activity may help bump up the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters, called endorphins. Although this function is often referred to as a runner’s high, any aerobic activity, such as a rousing game of tennis or a nature hike, can contribute to this same feeling.
  • It reduces negative effects of stress. Exercise can provide stress relief for your body while imitating effects of stress, such as the flight or fight response, and helping your body and its systems practice working together through those effects. This can also lead to positive effects in your body — including your cardiovascular, digestive and immune systems — by helping protect your body from harmful effects of stress.
  • It’s meditation in motion. After a fast-paced game of racquetball, a long walk or run, or several laps in the pool, you may often find that you’ve forgotten the day’s irritations and concentrated only on your body’s movements.

    As you begin to regularly shed your daily tensions through movement and physical activity, you may find that this focus on a single task, and the resulting energy and optimism, can help you stay calm, clear and focused in everything you do.

  • It improves your mood. Regular exercise can increase self-confidence, improve your mood, help you relax, and lower symptoms of mild depression and anxiety. Exercise can also improve your sleep, which is often disrupted by stress, depression and anxiety. All of these exercise benefits can ease your stress levels and give you a sense of command over your body and your life.

Put exercise and stress relief to work for you

A successful exercise program begins with a few simple steps.

  • Consult with your doctor. If you haven’t exercised for some time or you have health concerns, you may want to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.
  • Walk before you run. Build up your fitness level gradually. Excitement about a new program can lead to overdoing it and possibly even injury.

    For most healthy adults, the Department of Health and Human Services recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity. Examples of moderate aerobic activity include brisk walking or swimming, and vigorous aerobic activity can include running or biking. Greater amounts of exercise will provide even greater health benefits.

    Also, aim to do strength training exercises for all major muscle groups at least two times a week.

  • Do what you love. Almost any form of exercise or movement can increase your fitness level while decreasing your stress. The most important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy. Examples include walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming.And remember, you don’t need to join a gym to get moving. Take a walk with the dog, try body-weight exercises or do a yoga video at home.
  • Pencil it in. In your schedule, you may need to do a morning workout one day and an evening activity the next. But carving out some time to move every day helps you make your exercise program an ongoing priority. Aim to include exercise in your schedule throughout your week.

Stick with it

Starting an exercise program is just the first step. Here are some tips for sticking with a new routine or refreshing a tired workout:

  • Set SMART goals. Write down SMART goals — specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-limited goals.

    If your primary goal is to reduce stress in your life, your specific goals might include committing to walking during your lunch hour three times a week. Or try online fitness videos at home. Or, if needed, find a babysitter to watch your children so that you can slip away to attend a cycling class.

  • Find a friend. Knowing that someone is waiting for you to show up at the gym or the park can be a powerful incentive. Try making plans to meet friends for walks or workouts. Working out with a friend, co-worker or family member often brings a new level of motivation and commitment to your workouts. And friends can make exercising more fun!
  • Change up your routine. If you’ve always been a competitive runner, take a look at other, less competitive options that may help with stress reduction, such as Pilates or yoga classes. As an added bonus, these kinder, gentler workouts may enhance your running while also decreasing your stress.
  • Exercise in short bursts. Even brief bouts of physical activity offer benefits. For instance, if you can’t fit in one 30-minute walk, try a few 10-minute walks instead. Being active throughout the day can add up to provide health benefits. Take a mid-morning or afternoon break to move and stretch, go for a walk, or do some squats or pushups.Interval training, which entails brief (60 to 90 seconds) bursts of intense activity at almost full effort, can be a safe, effective and efficient way of gaining many of the benefits of longer duration exercise. What’s most important is making regular physical activity part of your lifestyle.

Whatever you do, don’t think of exercise as just one more thing on your to-do list. Find an activity you enjoy — whether it’s an active tennis match or a meditative meander down to a local park and back — and make it part of your regular routine. Any form of physical activity can help you unwind and become an important part of your approach to easing stress.

Nutrition rules to get stronger and build muscle

Nutrition rules to get stronger and build muscle

When it comes to building muscle and getting stronger, proper nutrition is essential. Here are some nutrition rules to follow to support your muscle-building goals:

  1. Eat Enough Protein: Protein is essential for building and repairing muscle tissue. Aim to eat a protein-rich food source with every meal, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, tofu, or legumes. A general guideline is to aim for 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day.
  2. Include Complex Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are an important energy source for workouts, and complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can provide sustained energy throughout the day. Aim for a balance of complex carbohydrates and protein in your meals.
  3. Don’t Forget Healthy Fats: Healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocado, and olive oil can help to support hormone function and provide energy. However, be mindful of portion sizes, as fats are higher in calories.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Water is essential for overall health and hydration is especially important for supporting physical activity. Aim to drink at least 8-10 cups of water per day, and more if you are engaging in intense exercise.
  5. Consider Timing and Quantity: Eating small, frequent meals throughout the day can help to support muscle-building goals, as can eating a post-workout meal that contains both protein and carbohydrates to aid in recovery.

Remember, nutrition is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to building muscle and getting stronger. Consistent exercise, including strength training, is also essential for achieving these goals. Additionally, it’s important to listen to your body and make adjustments to your nutrition and exercise routine as needed to support your overall health and wellness.

Building muscle calls for a superb power stability, this means that which you should absorb greater energy than you burn. You want more or less 2,800 energy to construct a pound of muscle, in large part to aid protein turnover, which may be accelerated with education. By following those 8 guidelines, you’ll be capable of construct muscle groups greater effectively and speedy.

Your frame can construct at maximum round approximately 227g of muscle every week, so in case you consume too many more energy looking to construct greater muscle, you may benefit extra fats, too. We could propose eating a further 250 to 500 energy in keeping with day. If you benefit fats easily, live at the decrease quit of the range, and in case you locate it hard to benefit weight in general, purpose for the better quit of the range. It will take a piece of trial and mistakess to locate the proper quantity of extra energy to construct muscle and live lean.

In addition, studies shows that eating lean protein 15 to twenty mins before, throughout and inside one hour of running out can also additionally assist enhance muscle benefit. Since you’re possibly now no longer going to be ingesting a steak or bird breast on the gym, a protein drink or complement can be useful straight away before, throughout or after exercises, however isn’t essential. However, it’s now no longer all approximately protein. It’s approximately ingesting many food that meet your calorific expenditure and offer you with the vitamins as a part of a wholesome, balanced weight loss plan to help you to construct muscle, lose fats and get stronger. Here are 8 easy guidelines that will help you get on track…

1. EAT BREAKFAST TO HELP BUILD MUSCLE MASS This offers you a right away burst of power and lets you live complete till your subsequent meal or snack. It additionally units the trend: you’ll have a tendency to consume more healthy in case your day begins offevolved with a robust and wholesome breakfast. Your satisfactory bets in case your looking to construct muscle groups are omelettes, smoothies and cottage cheese.

2. EAT EVERY THREE HOURS Eating the proper aspect on the proper time is important for supporting you raise your muscle groups. The simplest manner is to consume your breakfast, lunch and dinner as usual, interspersed with food put up exercise, pre-mattress and with snacks in between. By preserving your meals consumption up, it’ll suggest you won’t be as hungry, due to the fact ingesting smaller food greater frequently as opposed to some huge food will lower your belly size. You’ll experience complete greater speedy and your waist will trim, even as you’ll additionally have fewer cravings. Not ingesting for lengthy intervals can reason you to over-consume at the following meal or topping your self up with dangerous snacks from the merchandising machine. So to forestall any cravings, consume at constant instances each day and your frame gets hungry at the ones constant instances.

3. EAT PROTEIN WITH EACH MEAL TO BOOST YOUR MUSCLE MASS You want protein to construct and keep muscle. To obtain this, you must be seeking to consume at the least 1g in keeping with 454g of frame-weight. That’s 200g/day in case you weigh 91kg. The simplest manner to get this quantity is to consume an entire protein supply with every meal. These include:

• Red meat. Beef, pork, lamb, etc.

• Poultry. Chicken, turkey, duck, etc.

• Fish. Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, etc.

• Eggs. Don’t agree with the ldl cholesterol myths. Eat the yolk.

• Dairy. Milk, cheese, cottage cheese, quark, yogurt, etc.

• Whey. Not essential however fantastic for smooth put up exercise shakes.

• Try vegan alternatives too, which include lentils, tofu, seeds and nuts.

4. EAT FRUIT AND VEGETABLES WITH EACH MEAL Most of them (now no longer all) are low calorie: you may consume your belly complete with out gaining fats or weight. Fruit and greens also are complete of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre which enables digestion, however simply be cautious to test the sugar content material of a few fruits.

5. EAT CARBS ONLY AFTER YOUR WORKOUT While you want carbs for power, maximum humans consume greater than they want. Limit your carbohydrate consumption to after your exercise only. • Eat fruit and greens with all food. These comprise few carbohydrates in comparison to entire grains apart from corn, carrots and raisins. • Another Carbs Post Workout Only. This is rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, quinoa, oats, etc. Avoid white carbs and consume entire grain.

6. EAT HEALTHY FATS Healthy fat enhance fats loss and fitness as they digest slowly. Make certain you stability your fats consumption, consume wholesome fat with each meal and keep away from synthetic trans-fat and margarine.

7. DRINK WATER TO HELP YOU BUILD MUSCLE MASS Strength education reasons water loss thru sweating which could impair muscle healing and thus, it won’t assist you growth your muscle groups. Drinking water prevents dehydration however additionally starvation when you consider that an empty belly could make you observed you’re hungry.

8. EAT WHOLE FOODS 90% OF THE TIME To truely get the outcomes you need and to enhance your muscle groups significantly, 90% of your meals consumption must encompass entire ingredients.

• Whole ingredients. These are unprocessed and unrefined (or little refined) ingredients that come as near as viable to their herbal state. Examples: sparkling meat, fish, poultry, eggs, greens, pulses, fruits, rice, oats, quinoa etc.

• Processed ingredients Usually comprise introduced sugars, trans-fat, nitrates, corn syrup, sodium and greater chemicals. Examples: bagels, fruit bars, cereals, pizza, cookies, sausages, frozen food, supplements.

Better ways yoga can improve your productivity

Better ways yoga can improve your productivity

Yoga is a mind-body practice that has been shown to have numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, including improving productivity. Here are some ways in which yoga can improve productivity:

  1. Reducing stress: Yoga has been shown to reduce stress levels by decreasing the levels of stress hormones in the body, such as cortisol. This can help to improve focus, concentration, and decision-making skills.
  2. Improving focus and concentration: The practice of yoga involves focused breathing and concentration on body movements, which can help to improve focus and concentration skills. This can translate into better productivity at work or in other activities.
  3. Enhancing creativity: Yoga can help to clear the mind and improve mental clarity, which can lead to enhanced creativity and innovative thinking.
  4. Boosting energy levels: Yoga poses and breathing exercises can help to increase circulation and oxygen flow in the body, which can help to boost energy levels and improve productivity.
  5. Improving posture and reducing physical discomfort: Sitting for extended periods of time can cause physical discomfort, such as back pain and neck tension, which can negatively impact productivity. Yoga can help to improve posture and reduce physical discomfort, leading to better productivity.
  6. Promoting overall health: Yoga has numerous physical and mental health benefits, including improving immune function, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation. When you feel healthy and well-rested, you are more likely to be productive and efficient in your daily tasks.

Overall, incorporating regular yoga practice into your routine can have a positive impact on productivity by reducing stress, improving focus and concentration, enhancing creativity, boosting energy levels, reducing physical discomfort, and promoting overall health.


Yoga Will Boost Your Productivity and Mental Health. It’s true that yoga helps us to reduce stress, unwind and calm down. Yoga also helps us to sleep better. But guess what? These same reasons are precisely what can help boost your productivity.

Let’s take a look at sleep. Like many of us, you may not be getting enough sleep. Combine reduced hours in bed coupled with trouble sleeping soundly, and you can bet your productivity will plummet!

With enough caffeine, any of us can feel like productivity superheroes, but the reality is, caffeine is only a temporary and unhealthy method of increasing your energy.

Researchers now believe that chronic lack of sleep can cause depression. And someone that’s suffering from depression is definitely not at their most productive best. But practicing yoga can eliminate sleep deprivation.

You may be dealing with a lot of stress. If you are chronically anxious, you will not be able to think clearly. Not to mention, chronic stress is equated with a host of health problems.

yoga productivity

Yoga and prefrontal stimulation

Yoga, especially yoga meditation, stimulates the prefrontal lobes of your brain. This is where higher thinking and critical decision-making occur. Having more grey matter (brain cells) in this important area of the brain is sure to help boost productivity. Moreover, this area of the brain is also where the “feel good” hormones, like dopamine, is released.

So, a brain on yoga is a happy brain! And a happy brain is a productive one.

Practicing Yoga Will Boost Your Productivity

Practicing yoga isn’t complicated at all. During yoga, if you like the sound of silence that can calm your mind. Some people like to play a little faint tantric music or the sounds of the ocean.

Ideally, you decide how much time you want to spend doing yoga and you can try chanting a mantra and then alternate the next time to pure silence. By practicing yoga, here are ten aspects of your health that can greatly improve:

Higher thinking
Stress levels
Pain levels
Anxiety levels

Yoga can also act as an insurance plan. If you feel that you’re already doing well, yoga can help you stay prepared and on top of your game.

Imagine being healthy, well-rested, full of natural energy, focused, on task, and feeling happy.



eating healthy food

How to lose your weight by eating healthy food

Losing weight by eating healthy food is a gradual and sustainable process that requires a combination of balanced diet and regular physical activity. Here are some tips that can help you lose weight by eating healthy food:

  1. Eat a balanced diet: Make sure your meals contain a balance of protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This will keep you full for longer and prevent overeating.
  2. Avoid processed foods: Processed foods are often high in calories, unhealthy fats, and added sugars. Choose whole foods instead, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
  3. Portion control: Watch your portion sizes and use smaller plates to help control your calorie intake.
  4. Drink plenty of water: Drinking water helps to fill you up and flush out toxins from your body. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  5. Plan your meals: Planning your meals ahead of time can help you avoid unhealthy snacks and make healthier choices.
  6. Eat more fiber: Fiber helps you feel full and aids digestion. Aim to include more fiber-rich foods in your diet such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  7. Limit your intake of sugary drinks: Sugary drinks are high in calories and can cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Choose water, tea, or unsweetened coffee instead.
  8. Incorporate regular physical activity: Exercise is important for maintaining a healthy weight and overall health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.

Remember, sustainable weight loss is a slow and steady process. Be patient and consistent in your efforts to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

How physical exercise makes your brain better?

How physical exercise makes your brain better?

Your mental state during, and after, (for maybe a few hours), will be better for sure. Endorphins, and other chemical changes will give you a heightened sense of awareness, happiness or contentment, followed ,(at the conclusion), by a more relaxed physical and mental state. Using weights and/or doing body weight exercises is possibly the quickest, most practical, and most beneficial way to feel this.

  1. When you eat right and exercise everyday, you’ve learned the art of ‘determination’ , the will power to make a right choice, no excuses around to make healthy living your only way of living, smarter brains may be missing that.
  2. When one grows old and struggle to cope up with the doctor visits, bed ridden lifestyle and have started seeing oneself going down the path of ageing. You, the one who picked up the choice of healthy living, feel way smarter and more than capable of doing things your counterpart cannot.

Physical exercise has numerous benefits for the brain, including:

  1. Increased blood flow and oxygen to the brain: Exercise stimulates the cardiovascular system, increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain. This can improve cognitive function, including memory and attention.
  2. Neurogenesis: Exercise has been shown to increase the production of new neurons in the hippocampus, a region of the brain important for learning and memory.
  3. Improved mood: Exercise releases endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that can improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  4. Reduced inflammation: Chronic inflammation in the body can contribute to a variety of health problems, including cognitive decline. Exercise has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which can have a positive impact on brain health.
  5. Improved sleep: Exercise can improve sleep quality, which is essential for cognitive function and overall brain health.
  6. Increased growth factors: Exercise increases the production of growth factors in the brain, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which can promote the growth and survival of neurons and improve cognitive function.

Overall, regular physical exercise can have a powerful impact on brain health and cognitive function, helping to improve memory, attention, mood, and overall cognitive performance.

Amazing Health

Rules Which Help You To Have Amazing Health

Waking up early is all fine and dandy and, if your schedule allows it, joining the 5 a.m. club may very well be the best decision of your life.

But if you work late and want to go to bed past 9 p.m., you need to remember that SLEEP COMES FIRST.

If you aren’t getting at least 8–9 hours of solid high quality sleep each night, you will have a helluva time getting fit. Your body will literally be fighting against your goals.

So here’s what I recommend:

  • Pick a bedtime and wake up time and stick to it (doesn’t matter if it’s 9–5 or 12–8, do what works for your body and adhere to it every day)
  • Have a 30 minute pre-bedtime routine to help you wind down (do a brain dump, meditate, read a book, and then lights off)
  • Black out your room and turn the thermostat to 67 F
  • Eat a low carb high fat snack like almond butter and celery sticks or stop eating 3 hours before bed
  • Set a 2 p.m. caffeine curfew
  • Turn off all electronics 60 minutes before you want to sleep

If you will do these things, I promise they will accelerate your fitness journey and help you feel amazing during the process.

2. Skip the Gym

Despite many badass entrepreneurs and CEOs swearing by their early morning workouts, many studies have shown that the BEST time of day to exercise is around 3–4 p.m.

If your schedule allows, I’d recommend skipping the gym in the morning and opting for an afternoon training session instead.

If not, a morning workout is fine, just be sure to eat a hardy breakfast before you go so that you have the energy to get through it!

Speaking of breakfast…

3. Eat a High Fat/Protein Breakfast… Or Just Don’t Eat

Your cortisol levels shoot up first thing in the morning to help you wake up.

When your cortisol levels rise, so do your insulin levels.

This means that this is the WORST time of the day for your body to consume carbohydrates.

If you are going to eat in the morning (which I personally don’t do) then stick to a high fat and protein breakfast like greens, bacon, and eggs (or a protein/green smoothie) or just don’t eat.

Avoid early morning carbs at all costs.

4. Pound Lemon Water and a Greens Mix

To wake up your body and charge your energy levels, you’ll want to start your day with 12 oz of lemon water and 1 serving of a green superfood (I like athletic greens).

Hold off on the coffee until your cortisol levels drop around 10 a.m. and you’ll be able to experience consistent energy levels throughout the day without any insane caffeine crashes.

5. Feed Your Mind With Positivity and Motivation

If you want to be as fit as possible, your morning matters. But what you do with the rest of the day matters more.

If you follow everything I’ve already laid out but then sabotage your results by munching on donuts and Twinkies the rest of the day, your fitness journey is screwed.

To ensure that you stay on track, I recommend feeding the most important muscle in your entire system… Your brain (yeah I know, it’s not technically a muscle).

Watch an uplifting YouTube video, listen to a health podcast (like Shawn Stephenson’s Model Health Show), or plug up an audiobook like Tony Robbins Awaken the Giant Within.

Feed your mind with positive and healthy messages and you’ll find it much easier to stick to your habits later in the day.

6. Workout Less But Better

Whether you work out in the mornings or afternoons, I’m going to recommend something counterintuitive.

Work out LESS.

Do heavy resistance training 3x a week and sprint once. Do NOT train hard more than 4 days a week and certainly don’t do it every day.

Your body simply can’t handle that kind of stimulus unless you’re 1) Insane or 2) On tons of anabolics.

By limiting your workouts to 3x a week you’ll be able to recover better and workout harder over the long run and that is ultimately what will make you the fittest version of yourself.

7. Remember the 80/20 Rule

It doesn’t matter if you spend 20% of your week at the gym. If you spend 80% of your day sitting on your butt working, you won’t be healthy. Period.

You need to live an active lifestyle, beyond the gym.

Set a timer when you’re working for 25 minutes. When it goes off, get up, stretch, and do some calisthenics. Go for a long walk in the middle of the day. Alternate between a standing and sitting desk.

Do whatever you need to do to live a more mobile and active lifestyle.

The same applies to diet.

Don’t give up your favorite foods. Just make sure you’re eating 80% of your calories from healthy whole food sources like vegetables, fruits, meats, and nuts.

If you do this, you WILL reach your fitness goals.


Here are some rules to follow that can help you achieve and maintain amazing health:

  1. Eat a balanced diet: Make sure your meals are balanced with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
  2. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and functioning properly.
  3. Get enough sleep: Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to help your body repair and rejuvenate.
  4. Manage stress: Find healthy ways to manage stress such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
  5. Exercise regularly: Exercise is important for maintaining a healthy weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, and improving mental health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
  6. Avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can increase the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and liver disease.
  7. Practice safe sex: Use protection during sexual activity to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections.
  8. Maintain good hygiene: Practice good hygiene habits such as washing your hands regularly, covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze, and brushing your teeth twice a day.
  9. Get regular health check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider to detect and manage any health issues early.

Remember, small changes in your daily habits can have a big impact on your overall health. Focus on making sustainable lifestyle changes that work for you and your unique needs.

cardio traning

What are the benefits of cardio traning?

Cardio training, also known as cardiovascular or aerobic exercise, has many benefits for overall health and fitness. Here are some of the main benefits:

  1. Improved heart health: Cardio training strengthens the heart and improves its ability to pump blood more efficiently, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  2. Increased endurance: Regular cardio training improves your stamina and endurance, allowing you to perform physical activities for longer periods of time without getting tired.
  3. Weight loss: Cardio training burns calories and can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Reduced stress and anxiety: Cardio training releases endorphins, which are natural mood-boosters that can reduce stress and anxiety levels.
  5. Better sleep: Regular cardio training can improve sleep quality and help you fall asleep faster.
  6. Improved lung function: Cardio training increases lung capacity and can improve overall respiratory health.
  7. Lower blood pressure: Cardio training can help lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of hypertension and related health problems.
  8. Reduced risk of chronic disease: Regular cardio training can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancer.

Overall, cardio training has numerous benefits for both physical and mental health, making it an important component of a well-rounded fitness routine.

Useful information guide about chest machine

A chest machine is a piece of gym equipment designed to target the muscles of the chest, primarily the pectoralis major and minor. There are different types of chest machines available, but the most common ones are the chest press machine and the pec fly machine.

Here are some useful tips and information about using a chest machine:

  1. Adjust the seat and handles: Make sure the seat and handles are properly adjusted to your body size and height. The handles should be at chest level or slightly lower, and your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle when gripping the handles.
  2. Warm up: It’s important to properly warm up before starting any chest machine exercises. This can include some light cardio exercises, such as walking or cycling, and some dynamic stretches to prepare the muscles for the workout.
  3. Chest press machine: To use a chest press machine, sit down and grip the handles with an overhand grip. Press the handles forward and away from your chest until your arms are fully extended, then slowly lower the handles back down to the starting position.
  4. Pec fly machine: To use a pec fly machine, sit down and grip the handles with an underhand grip. Keep your elbows slightly bent and bring your arms together in front of your chest, then slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Use proper form: When using a chest machine, it’s important to use proper form and technique to avoid injury and ensure maximum effectiveness. Keep your back flat against the seat, engage your core muscles, and avoid using momentum to lift the weights.
  6. Gradually increase weight and intensity: To continue making progress and avoid plateauing, it’s important to gradually increase the weight and intensity of your chest machine workouts over time.
  7. Include variety in your workout: To target all areas of the chest muscles, it’s important to include a variety of exercises in your chest workout routine. This can include chest presses, pec flies, push-ups, and other chest exercises.
  8. Consult a fitness professional: Consulting with a qualified fitness professional can be helpful in designing an appropriate chest workout program for your specific goals and needs, as well as ensuring proper form and technique during exercises.
How streching can improve flexibility and health

How streching can improve flexibility and health

Stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and overall health. Here are some ways stretching can help:

  1. Increases Range of Motion: Stretching helps to increase the range of motion in your joints, allowing for greater flexibility and movement. This can be especially important as you age, as joints tend to become stiffer and less flexible over time.
  2. Improves Posture: Tight muscles can cause poor posture, which can lead to back pain, neck pain, and other problems. Stretching helps to loosen these muscles, allowing you to maintain a more natural and relaxed posture.
  3. Reduces Risk of Injury: When your muscles are tight, they are more prone to injury. Stretching helps to reduce this risk by increasing flexibility and range of motion, which can help prevent muscle strains and other injuries.
  4. Promotes Circulation: Stretching helps to promote circulation throughout the body, which can help to reduce muscle soreness and speed up recovery from exercise or injury.
  5. Reduces Stress: Stretching can be a great way to relax and reduce stress. When you stretch, you release tension in your muscles, which can help to relieve physical and mental stress.

Overall, stretching is an important part of maintaining good flexibility and overall health. Incorporating stretching into your daily routine can help to improve your posture, reduce your risk of injury, and promote relaxation and stress relief.

The ultimate exercises to improve back muscles

The Back. The muscle group that will give you the superhuman physique or leave you with a snapped spine. Here I will expose every secret that science knows about training it.

(As always, TLDR at the end, but you will miss out on a lot of interesting information.)

To understand how to train your back, we must understand what it is made of. Firstly, there are 77 back muscles, but the main ones are the lats, the traps, the spinal erectors, and the infraspinatus.

Let’s start with everyone’s favourite – the lats.

Most studies suggest that the lats are an even 50/50 split of fast and slow twitch fibers. (Johnson et al. 1973; Baker & Hardy, 1989; Hards et al. 1990; Srinivasan et al. 2007)

However, Paoli et al. 2010, (a lead researcher in muscle hypertrophy) used a new method of measuring fiber distribution and found that the lats are 70% fast-twitch dominant. This would mean you should do about 70% of training with heavy weights (1–6 reps, Fry 2004.) However, I suggest taking new evidence with a grain of salt, and trying it for yourself.

So what’s the most effective way to train the lats?


(Notice the direction of the fibers and remember it.)

We have a good understanding that mechanical tension is the only way to build muscle through exercise (not microtears and pumps)

We know that mechanical tension can be achieved through contraction or stretch. (Schoenfeld 2010) And EMG (electromyography) is a way of quantifying activation, which is similar to tension.

We also know that compound exercises (more than 1 joint) are more efficient than their sum of single-joint exercises (as in 2+2=5) (Paoli et al. 2017).

So, that information is enough to decipher what most people consider the best lat exercise:


The pull-up.

Bret Contreras 2010 compared over 40 back exercises and found the weighted pull up to elicit the highest EMG activation. However, Doma et al. 2013 found it to be relatively similar to the pull down, and Contreras and Lehman 2004 found the pull down to be inferior to the row. But according Contreras the row is inferior to the pull up. Do you see what I’m getting at here?..

I would get hundreds of upvotes if I cherrypicked the contradictory data and claimed that there is 1 exercise that is better than any other. I would get upvotes if I claimed that rows are strictly worse than pull downs, and that close chain exercises are better than open chain exercises. But that just isn’t true, and the answer is rather boring, but incredibly important.


Now that I’ve mentioned open-chain exercises, what does that mean? Well, there is some information floating around that closed chain exercises (when you move your own body, like a pull up) are better than open chain exercises (when you move the weight, like a pull down). What is the proof? A 2014 Calatayud et al. study that found that push ups are as effective as the bench press (with equal weight) in terms of EMG, hypertrophy, and strength carryover to the bench press.

If you are as confused as I was, you are correct: there is no proof. What this study showed is that the two exercises are very similar (And why in the world would they not be? You are performing the same movement, the only reason bench press is popular is because it’s difficult to balance 200 pounds on your back!!). And the subjects had no experience training with less than 6 reps.

So, it seems to me that pull ups are very similar to pull downs. A great way to test if that’s true for you is to check your carryover from one exercise to the other. See my answer here for more details.

Also, performing a pull up like this:


will give you a full 160–170 degrees range of motion. However, it doesn’t make much sense anatomically, because:

  1. There is little tension on the lats in the “up” position. Meaning it’s very easy to hang like that. And we know tension is key. (Not time under tension, which is irrelevant for hylertrophy)
  2. Remember I asked you to keep the fiber direction in mind? Well, compare the contraction and the stretch in the first pull up picture and this one. Empirically, it clearly looks like both are more intense in the first picture. And both are indicative of mechanical tension.

These are also the reasons rows aren’t as bad as Menno Henselmans says they are. The stretch is intense, and the contraction should go beyond your torso (what he erroneously calls “hyperextension”). That’s a good 110 degrees of range of motion, about the same as the first pull up example.

That all that science says about the lats. If you want to trust EMG, here are the exercises which have the highest lat activation: (according to the most prominent EMG researcher Bret Contreras):

  1. Weighted Pronated Wide-Grip Pull-up
  2. Rack Pull (about 30 degrees lat range of motion, by the way)
  3. Underhand-Grip Feet Elevated Inverted Row

And the highest EMG activation trap exercises (mid and low traps):


  1. Dumbbell Bent-Over Row
  2. Dumbbell Elbows Out Chest-Supported Row
  3. Prone trap raise

As you can see, the row is an incredible exercises, as there are more muscles to your back than the lats:)

For the upper traps, have a look at the direction of the fibers in the second picture. It’s horizontal, isn’t it? So shrugs might be suboptimal for the traps, as the contraction is vertical. Funnily enough, the Hercules hold might be a great exercise, but if you know what it is.. let’s just say there are problems setting it up:)

I personally do wide cable shrugs, which somewhat imitate the Hercules hold, and it’s my own invention as far as I know. But of course, we have no studies, so I remain very skeptical and unsensational. (Although I could write an answer on how that’s the best unknown trap exercise.)

Other back muscles:

For infraspinatus (which is a big visible back muscle) watch Athlean X here. EMG is good and all, but if it contradicts your anatomy, I choose healthy shoulders every time. For injury prevention and exercises for health, refer to him.

And finally, the spinal erectors extend and stabilize the spine. Since muscle hypertrophy isn’t the primary objective when training them, you should do what feels great for your lower back. Back hyperextensions on the one hand, and deadlifts with squats on the other, all strengthen the spinal erectors. Maybe good mornings, if you feel your lower back working without pain. But it’s incredibly important to train them for your health.


  1. Focus on contraction and stretch
  2. Try doing more heavy work, but light work is necessary for slow-twitch fiber hypertrophy. But there is no magic 8–12 rep range, see my answer here in the respective section
  3. Do exercises which are in line with the direction of the fibers
  4. Do both vertical and horizontal pulls, close and open chain exercises
  5. Train smaller but vitally important muscles
  6. Finally, I’ve said it once, I’ll say it 1000 times:
  • Don’t take anything for granted. If you disagree, analyze the evidence or carry out your own research. Try things for yourself in the gym. That’s how science was born in the first place: a few curious people noticed something, didn’t take the others’ word for it, and discovered the truth.
jump for Kangoo Jumps

Massive reasons to jump for Kangoo Jumps

Kangoo Jump is an amazing and safe approach to cardio and core muscle work. It saves your joints and improves your endurance for all fitness activities. It is also a great way to train runners to strengthen and lengthen their stride.

Kangoo Jumps is a type of exercise that involves using rebound shoes with springs attached to the bottom. Here are some potential benefits of Kangoo Jumps:

  1. Low-Impact: Kangoo Jumps are a low-impact exercise, which means they put less stress on your joints compared to high-impact exercises like running or jumping jacks. This makes them a great option for people with joint pain or those who want to reduce their risk of injury.
  2. Improves Cardiovascular Health: Kangoo Jumps can help to improve cardiovascular health by increasing your heart rate and oxygen intake. This can lead to improved endurance, stamina, and overall fitness.
  3. Builds Strength: Kangoo Jumps require the use of multiple muscle groups, including your legs, core, and upper body. This can help to improve strength and muscle tone.
  4. Burns Calories: Kangoo Jumps can be an effective way to burn calories and lose weight. According to some estimates, Kangoo Jumps can burn up to 800 calories per hour.
  5. Fun and Motivating: Many people find Kangoo Jumps to be a fun and motivating form of exercise. The rebound shoes can make you feel like you’re bouncing on a trampoline, which can be a fun way to get your heart pumping.

Overall, Kangoo Jumps can be a great way to get in shape, improve your cardiovascular health, and have fun at the same time. However, as with any new exercise, it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity to avoid injury.

Rebounding is an exercise that:

  • Reduces your body fat
  • Firms your arms, legs, thighs, abdomen, and hips
  • Increases your agility
  • Strengthens your muscles overall
  • Provides an aerobic effect for your heart
  • Rejuvenates your body when it’s tired
  • Puts you in a state of health, fitness and well being

People who rebound find they are able to work longer, sleep better, and feel less tense and nervous. The effect is not just psychological. The action of bouncing up and down against gravity, without trauma to the musculoskeletal system, is one of the most beneficial aerobic exercises ever developed.

Workout To Build A Big And Defined Chest At Home

You can easily train upper chest at home:

  • Normal pushups on floor(4sets -15 reps)
  • Slow pushups – Get down in 20 secs,stay down for 20 sec ,come back up in 20 sec and stay there for 20 sec,perform 4 sets if you can.Your chest would be under constant tension.
  • Get 2 buckets full of water and a stick/rod any sort of that thing ,tie the buckets with that,lay down on a bench and perform bench press ,keep increasing the water after every set.
  • Find 2 tables/chairs/bath tub which are strong enough, you don’t want to hurt yourself , perform dips by bending forward.(4 sets- 12 reps)
  • Join your hands, stretch them about 60° and contract your chest as hard as you can ,keep doing this for 10 seconds ,4 times.You will feel pain like never before.
  • Get two balls anything you find even stone,small rocks (of the same shape and symmetry),you can perform fly with them ,main aim here is contraction and expansion of pecs and not lifting heavy.
  • You can increase the difficulty of pushups like keep changing your hand positions – wide grip ,narrow grip and neutral grip to hit different parts of chest plus you will build your wrist ,forearms ,triceps ..You can also try one hand pushups.
  • If you reach advanced stage , increase the number of reps and every excercise could be made difficult.

6 Suprising health benefits of Yoga exercises

It’s no secret that yoga is healthy. After all, the practice has been revered for thousands of years because of its many benefits! It’s one of the best ways to chill out after a stressful day, and it can transform your life in a ton of other ways.

Beyond the stress-relieving advantages of yoga we all know and love, it turns out there are quite a few other health benefits of yoga.


1. Yoga has major skin-soothing abilities
Want to pump up the glow factor and soothe your skin? Well, one of the most unexpected advantages of yoga is the positive effect it can have on your complexion. When stress increases your body’s production of cortisol (a.k.a. the stress hormone) and disrupts your skin barrier, it allows irritants to get in and moisture to get out. This often acts as a trigger for skin conditions like dryness and eczema.

Curbing stress by making yoga a regular habit can actually lower your body’s output of stress hormones and help clear your skin. You’ll look as good as you feel — fantastic on both counts!

2. You can ensure your heart stays healthy
Sadly, heart disease is extremely common in America. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 600,000 people in the United States die from it every year. But there is some good news: Practicing yoga is one way to potentially cut down on your risk of cardiovascular disease as you grow older.

The proof is in the research; a study that examined individuals who had been practicing yoga for five years revealed that they had a significantly lower blood pressure than those who didn’t practice yoga. As high blood pressure is one of the major causes of heart attacks, that’s a pretty major benefit. According to the report’s authors, the findings indicated that “yoga reduces the age-related deterioration in cardiovascular functions.” In a separate study, researchers found that regularly practicing yoga can also reduce high cholesterol, which is another health condition that often leads to heart disease.

3. Your immune system could get a big boost
Feeling sick all the time? You might want to blame stress. Just as stress has a negative effect on your skin, it can also do a number on your immune system. In fact, recent research has confirmed that boosting your body’s internal defense system via a reduction of stress levels is another one of the many health benefits of yoga.

A study published in the Journal of Behaviorial Medicine looked at the connection between yoga and the immune system. Researchers came to the conclusion that yoga has the ability to decrease inflammation — which can lead to illnesses and infections — and strengthen individuals’ immunity. So it totally makes sense that a healthy activity like this can help prevent you from occasionally getting sick!

4. Yoga strengthens your body — and relationships
You can even consider yoga an alternative form of couples therapy. One of the most surprising advantages of the practice is its power to improve relationships.

Research has found links between mindfulness (one of the main tenets of yoga) and more satisfying relationships. This may come down to the fact that those who regularly practice mindfulness exercises like meditation and yoga tend to show changes to the regions in their brains that are linked to compassion and kindness. You can thank us the next time you kiss and make up with your sweetheart!

Group of cute Hispanic women relaxing and meditating during their yoga class in a gym

5. You could sleep so much better
When you’re super stressed out, you’re more likely to toss and turn all night. We’ve all been there. Due to the fact yoga eases stress, it may help you get the full eight hours of sleep you need to fire on all cylinders the following day.

A study published in the journal Cancer examined the effects of Tibetan yoga on the sleep habits of cancer patients and found that individuals who practiced yoga reported a significantly lower number of sleep disturbances compared to those who didn’t incorporate yoga into their lives.

6. You may have an easier time breathing
Lung capacity — the amount of air your lungs can hold — is a strong indicator of health. But if you have asthma, a heart condition or some sort of respiratory ailment, breathing can be challenging. Fortunately, yoga can help here, too!

For a study published in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, researchers taught 287 college students a variety of yoga poses, breathing techniques and relaxation methods twice a week. At the end of the 15-week study, the researchers saw significant improvements in participants’ lung capacity. That’s definitely a reason to hit the mat!

increase your strength with arms machines

How to increase your strength with arms machines

If you are looking to increase your strength with arm machines, here are some tips to follow:

  1. Start with the basics: Begin with light weights and focus on mastering proper form and technique before increasing the weight.
  2. Use a variety of machines: Different machines target different muscle groups in the arms, so use a variety of machines to ensure you are working all the muscles in your arms.
  3. Gradually increase weight and repetitions: As your strength improves, gradually increase the weight and repetitions to continue challenging your muscles.
  4. Allow for rest and recovery: Rest is important for muscle recovery and growth, so allow for adequate rest days between arm machine workouts.
  5. Incorporate other exercises: In addition to arm machines, incorporate other exercises that target the arms such as push-ups, pull-ups, and dumbbell curls to ensure you are working all the muscles in your arms.
  6. Consistency is key: To see results, it is important to be consistent with your arm machine workouts and stick to a regular exercise routine.

Remember to consult a fitness professional or your healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise program, especially if you have any health conditions or injuries.

The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About Health

The Best Advice You Could Ever Get About Health

Trying to figure out how to workout properly, eat smartly and keep positive? GH asked 12 health experts to offer the best sanity-saving, life-changing tips that anyone has ever provided them. Share and follow the…

  1. Go slow on antibiotics – Professor Tim Spector, consultant physician and author of The Diet Myth

‘For years I’ve been getting sinusitis every time I get sick and take antibiotics. I used to be an drug junkie, taking four to five courses a year. Instead, eight years ago, I went to Professor Martin Blaser ‘s lecture, and it changed everything about me. He cautioned that daily courses of antibiotics would negatively influence the immune system and could lead to weight gain due to their effect on the intestinal bacteria. It was the best piece of advice I’ve ever gotten.

I quit using antibiotics for sinus infections – they barely shortened my effects a day or two, anyway – so I never looked again. Because I’ve experienced six colds a year, I’ve gotten one a couple of years since, I don’t get sinusitis, so I’ve kept a good weight. I have was worried with antibiotics in beef, and now I try to consume organic food and only eat meat once or twice a month.

  1. Check your Vitamin D level – Dr Sarah Jarvis, Good Housekeeping GP

‘I’m a pale, freckled redhead, and I got sunburnt a couple times as a kid. I was a medical student once. I’ve been really concerned about my chance of skin cancer, so I’ve been avoiding the sun ever since. It was only in recent years that I became conscious of the safety hazards associated with the loss of vitamin D. Colleagues including neurologists (multiple sclerosis), rheumatologists (osteoporosis) and cardiologists (heart disease) warned me that there was a silent outbreak of vitamin D deficiency, and I was surprised to discover that I was in a deficient category. I ‘m taking Fultium, a source of vitamin D.

  1. Good enough is good enough – Chireal Shallow, consultan psychologist

‘My mom has always told me to weigh up my fights. She ‘d wonder if all the stuff I’ve been wanting to do are worth investing full time and commitment on. At first, I was trying to prove her wrong. I played, learned and had a single mom of four, and I was sure that I could do it all. But when you’re always battling flames, you don’t do it correctly, so you feel like you’re going to crash. I hit a point where I knew that I was tired, grumpy and not fun to be around! Since then, I’ve slowed down, I’ve been doing it one at a time, I’ve been trying to concentrate, and I’ve been conscious about any aspect. Most of all, I remind myself that good enough is good enough, whatever you do.

  1. Find your active self – Dr Carol Routledge, director of research at Alzheimer’s Research UK

‘I played a lot of sport when I was younger, so even though I maintained a balanced lifestyle – I didn’t drink, I just drank in moderation and I ate a good diet – the pressures of my career and family life dictated that I let go of fitness. This was only after my aunt developed Alzheimer’s disease that the truth of dementia and what I knew about risk management first struck me at home. My aunt’s reaction inspired me to do everything I could to keep my brain as safe as possible.

This meant taking part in daily workout. I didn’t really focus into swimming or running, but when a friend proposed cycling, I knew that I had discovered the sport that was perfect for me. Today, every year, I’m clocking thousands of miles on my bike — it’s just a matter of figuring out what kind of sport is perfect for you.

  1. Learn how to rest – Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, Silentnight’s sleep expert

‘I never knew how poorly I slept in my thirties. I was still sleepy but wired, I found it difficult to turn off and still felt like halfway through the night I was wake up. Finally I came to a crash stage. My success came when I went to a yoga workshop led by a psychiatrist who learned about sleep and relaxation. I took yoga and meditation after that. It turned for me and since then I’ve done it every day. It’s about selfcare – it ‘s important when you relate things you do each day with how you sleep.

  1. Everything in moderation – Helen Bond, consultant dietician

‘This isn’t a very sexy post, but a fellow dietician gave me this advice early and I have been following it always. It is not only a matter of safety, it is also a matter of fun, and if you have the right balance 80 % of the time you can take care of the other 20%. And to get the right balance means to prepare fresh ingredients from scratch. I still follow the advice of my mother too, filling half the plate with vegetables, and the remainder of it with protein and carbs. Follow these rules and you’re going to get a good weight for your nutrients.

  1. Don’t catastrophise – Sian Porter, dietician and nutrition consultant

‘I was a true perfectionist before. I might feel like it was a tragedy if things didn’t go right. But instead I shared a bureau with Dr. Jan Long, a smart woman who studied burnout. He teached me another way that she had always been with me of thinking about issues. You think you have power over everything when you’re younger, but it’s not real. I learned to concentrate on the stuff about. I could do something, and let go of the stuff I could not – and I quit thinking about the stuff I couldn’t do!

Doubts About Health

Eliminate Your Fears And Doubts About Health

In this segment, we ‘re talking about stuff you should do on your own to deal through fear and anxiety. They will not mention the other useful approaches and treatments that are used when dealing with licensed clinicians or other professionals. These are important for those who have undergone trauma or are suffering from extreme fear or anxiety.

Avoid avoidance

The best way to deal with anxiety is to deal with it. Evitating our worries just stops us from going forward — it leaves us nervous. So be kind to yourself and do what you feel free to do! When you’re feeling more panicky, take a break and find something fun or soothing to see or do. When you feel comfortable afterwards, you can try to tackle the anxiety again, taking breaks if needed. When you find it difficult to cope with persistent anxiety or anxieties on your own, be mindful that therapy can be helpful in continuing you function while resisting approaches.

If you have undergone trauma, it is especially important to work with a psychiatrist to establish a healthy atmosphere where you can confront your anxiety and restore your memories. Whether your apprehension or anxiety is milder, you should begin your mindfulness meditation. Read more of the methods of mindfulness. Everything you need to do is lie back and enjoy the current moment. If anxiety or apprehension occurs, understand it. If you may, be curious about that. Observe the fear. Remember how you feel in your body. Note any feelings associated with it.

See how you can see it as it is; don’t get embroiled in the plot, or attempt to get rid of it, or change it. Then when you need to, take a rest then turn your focus to something soothing, like your breath or your hands in your lap. Remember that if you get too anxious to be attentive, it might be best to pause and open your eyes and observe things in the room or take a little stroll.

Develop a healthy sense of personal control

Emphasis is on “internal control.” Stress-hard people center their attention on things in which they have power, rather than circumstances beyond their control. The meditation of the Serenity, credited to the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, describes this well:

God, give me the serenity of knowing what I can’t fix,

The bravery to change the things I should do,

And the beauty of understanding the difference.

Promote positivity

Anxiety helps us to perceive and recall traumatic things, which strengthens our perception that the world is a terrifying place. We will try to improve this by actively realizing what is positive — the happiness that we get when we see someone we love, the enjoyment of a beautiful day, the beauty of nature, the excitement of an outing, the laughter of a situation.

According to research by Barbara Fredrickson, positivity broadens our perspective — we actually have a wider vision that gives us more opportunities. So the more we cultivate positivity, the more it develops, building a strength that allows one to work even in tough times.

Find meaning

Fear will destroy our understanding of the universe as we know it. Many who have endured depression may still have suffered significant defeats that cause them to doubt the value of their lives. Trauma survivors can still feel ashamed about what happened, thinking, illogically, that they may somehow have avoided it, and knowing what their function is and how to improve the remorse may often lead to questions about their significance.

But if we’re suffering from anxiety or ptsd, it’s necessary to rediscover a sense of self. An 80-year analysis of factors related to survival showed that people who adapt to positive post-traumatic behavior are those that can find value in stressful stress and regain a sense of stability across the world.