Entries by admin

Fitness Advice, Workout Tips, And Benefits Of Yoga

Fitness Advice: Set realistic goals: Set achievable goals that are specific, measurable, and time-bound. This will help you stay motivated and track your progress. Mix up your workouts: Doing the same workout routine can get boring and less effective over time. Mix up your workouts to challenge your body and keep things interesting. Consistency is […]

Reality of Weight loss Products

According to world health organization more than 1 billion people worldwide are obese. Internationally a BMI (Body mass index) over 25 kg/ m2 is considered as overweight. In India 135 million people are obese; according to National Family Health Survey data nearly one in every four person is overweight in India. In India BMI between […]

Normal Weight Loss Per Month

Promises from supplements or magazine articles that claim you can lose 20 or more pounds per month aren’t promoting “normal” weight loss. When it comes to weight loss, however, the term “normal” is truly relative. Everyone loses weight at a different rate, depending on a multitude of factors — including gender, age and size. Two […]

How Does Fast Metabolism Help Us Lose Weight? Here’s How You Can Fasten Yours

How is fast metabolism linked to weight loss? Here’s everything you need to know. What is metabolism? Metabolism is a process under which our bodies convert our food into energy. A fast metabolism refers to our bodies’ ability to complete this task faster. Our metabolism aids various functions in our bodies such as digesting food, […]

10 Mistakes That Are Slowing Your Weight Loss Journey

Here are common mistakes people make when trying to lose weight. Losing weight takes a lot of effort and willpower. While on a weight loss journey we are exposed to all kinds of weight loss tips. It can be tough to figure out which suggestions are actually helpful. We often make mistakes that may be […]

5 Big Reasons Why You Should Start Your Day With Regular Workout

For many people, burning some calories have become the biggest challenge in life which is the easiest way of living a healthy lifestyle. Nobody can spend on buying new clothes just because of the constant raise in weight. It is more challenging to shred those pounds you accumulated on some parts of your body all these years. With the […]

How Do I Get My Body In Shape?

Think less: If the act of thinking is lowering your momentum down, stop. Focus on small tasks that will get you to the gym. Focus on just tying the shoes. Then focus on getting in the car. Minimize your field of view to lower your mental resistance. Think More: imagine your belly getting fatter. Think about your […]

Mental Health and Creativity: A talk with Psychologist Paolo Grampa from Alice Onlus

As Mental Health Awareness Week falls in May, we decided to create an editorial partnership with the Alice Onlus Association and the psychotherapy psychologist Paolo Grampa. The goal of this article is to provide information and tips about mental health, to help our community face the struggles that we all encounter in our lives, related […]

Safety Tips for Yoga Beginners

Trying to force yourself into a yoga posture your body is not ready for, or not flexible enough for, could prove disastrous. Yoga is meant to be a nurturing form of exercise, not a rigid imitation of poses. You can stretch and strengthen your body without having to touch your nose to your knees, or your […]

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a complete science of life that originated in India many thousands of years ago. It is the oldest system of personal development in the world, encompasing body, mind and spirit. Anyone can practise yoga, you don’t need any special yoga equipment or yoga clothes. All you need to practise yoga is, a small […]

Yoga For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a physical as well as mental experience. Women often becomes hyper aware of all the changes their bodies are going through. Yoga allows pregnant women to adapt to these changes more gracefully and to feel proud and a sense of appreciation for their bodies. Yoga exercises can increase flexibility, strength, circulation and balance. Many […]

Facts One Need to Know About International Yoga Day

It is a day of reckoning for the Indian-origin breath exercise Yoga. After careful deliberation, the Indian government could convince the international body United Nations to celebrate the beautiful yogic exercise to establish a state of sound health in people. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition, the state of sound health can be […]

Yoga: Excellent Exercise to Get Several Health Benefits

Yoga is considered as a best remedy to various diseases. It is an ancient science which comprises of various pranayama and asana. These yoga mudras are basically the exercises that provide flexibility to the body. Doing these exercises on a regular basis helps in upgrading the health standards. The drastic change in the lifestyle has […]

Five Most Common Mistakes Yoga Practitioners Make and How to Avoid Them

Yoga has become a popular exercise these days. More and more people are switching to Yoga to enhance their physical, emotional and psychological wellness. June 21st is now celebrated as International Yoga Day. Rishikesh, The yoga capital of the world, attracts people from all over the world seeking solace and peace from their busy and […]