Reality of Weight loss Products

According to world health organization more than 1 billion people worldwide are obese. Internationally a BMI (Body mass index) over 25 kg/ m2 is considered as overweight. In India 135 million people are obese; according to National Family Health Survey data nearly one in every four person is overweight in India. In India BMI between 18.0 to 22.9 kg/ m2 is normal, 23.0 to 24.9 kg/m2 is overweight and more than 25 kg/m2 is obese. In simple words obesity is the excess amount of fat cells in body. It is classified as a disease by WHO which affect almost all organs in body such as Heart, Brain, Lungs, Reproductive system etc, and also the cause of many health issues like hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer and depression etc. At the present time everyone is aware of the side effect of overweight want to be fit and look beautiful but most of the people don’t have enough time for exercise and don’t want to go through the long process. They want easy way and magical pill which will make them slim overnight and many pharmaceutical companies and nutraceutical companies are taking advantage of their thinking by machining several weight loss products.

Fat  Burner Gel to slim down fast, wear patches and lose 5 kg in a  week, take tablet twice a day and lose 10 kg in one month even without diet and work out and lose it fast, lose it forever , fat freezing belt, slimming oils, Ayurvedic slimming juice, etc. etc. etc.  These types of advertisements are seen everywhere on social networking sites, newspapers, magazines and T.V. nowadays. What are these products efficacy rate, what are side effects, no products making company tell us. They claims 100% guarantee and targets obese people. These products efficacy rate is very low around 2-5% and side effects on health are more.

Most of the products available in market contain Garcinia Cambogia extract, Green coffee bean, Green tea.

Garcinia Combogia:  The active ingredient in this is hydroxicitric acid , which blocks the formation of fat in body add reduces the appetite. But still it is not very effective in weight loss and its long term effect may cause hepatotoxicity or liver impairment, and different kind of deficiencies in body which is very harmful for health.

Green tea and Green coffee bean: The active ingredients in these are caffeine, which make us feel full.  Green tea is good for its antioxidant contents and green coffee is also good in high blood pressure but should be taken in a limited amount. But weight loss effects these are not same in all individuals. Excess amount of caffeine may cause addiction, sleep disturbances, increases heat in body and lead to hair fall and greying hair, also drain out calcium from bones. All these  weight loss products available in market are very costly with very low or no effects so why do we purchase these products from market we can take normal coffee  or normal green tea one or two times a day that will show the same effect on low price.

Apple cider vinegar: Nowadays some companies are also claiming that apple cider vinegar is helpful in weight loss, it burns fat, increases metabolism and suppresses appetite. Here is also same effect is not certain and after all it’s an acid so prolonged effect may lead to tooth decay, digestive system related problems, weak bones. We can take lemon water with honey instead. Except these there are also contain different kind of slimming oils, slimming shake, slimming juice which also contain different additives, artificial sweeteners, flavouring  agent etc. which are not good for health.

People should be beware from these products and these companies who shows attractive adds with claim of “Lose for forever”, ‘’once gone not again” etc. and earn their profit. Everyone has different body type and different cause of obesity or overweight. Before starting any medicine or any diet plane for weight loss we should consult a specialist and find its root cause, it may be due to hormonal imbalance, regular consumption of fast food and junk food, an inactive life style, medications, genetic etc. The most important thing is a healthy body and mind instead of lean body for this one have to do moderate exercises or dance or any physical activity, follow a healthy diet means diet which consist all kind of nutrient required to our body and adopt a healthy life style.

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