Five Most Common Mistakes Yoga Practitioners Make and How to Avoid Them

Yoga has become a popular exercise these days. More and more people are switching to Yoga to enhance their physical, emotional and psychological wellness. June 21st is now celebrated as International Yoga Day. Rishikesh, The yoga capital of the world, attracts people from all over the world seeking solace and peace from their busy and hectic lives. There are several yoga schools teaching yoga to students all over India, especially in Rishikesh. Despite its popularity, there are several mistakes that people commit while learning Yoga.

We list down 5 top mistakes that yoga practitioners make –

1. Becoming too Excited

Generally, people become too excited while learning Yoga, but their enthusiasm wanes with time. There is nothing wrong in becoming excited per se; however, too much excitement might become a roadblock in your yoga journey. Having realistic expectations and setting realistic goals help to avoid disappointment later on. Having realistic goals will help you plan your journey properly and achieve success in the longer run.

2. Setting Unrealistic Expectations

Most often people set unrealistic expectations and hence, face disappointment later. They become overexcited and hence set over-ambitious targets. You must always set realistic goals that you can easily achieve without any major problems. Due to unmet expectations, a lot of people give up too early and never achieve the desired results.

3. Learning through self-help Books

Learning yoga is a serious business. You can’t learn Yoga on your own, and hence, need a qualified expert. Many people try to learn Yoga through self-help books and think that they can master all the techniques from books. But they don’t achieve the desired results. Yoga should only be learnt from experts and qualified Yoga practitioners.

4. Becoming Complacent

Most often people become too complacent and never try to go beyond their own limits. They become satisfied with the little results they get initially and never try to achieve optimum results. Hence, you must always set realistic and ambitious goals, and never become satisfied with little results.

5. Irregular Practice

Many people cite the lack of time for not practising yoga regularly. They either quit their yoga practice or don’t practice on a regular basis. To get the desired results, you must always follow a disciplined schedule and practice Yoga on a daily basis. This requires patience, discipline and sincerity.

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