The impact of bodybuilding over a social life

In general, and as applied to the modern social context, we will explore what it is that drives bodybuilders to the extremes at which they spend their time and why we perceive them and these extremes in the way in which we do. This will allow for a comprehensive understanding of how the persona is constructed within the bodybuilding community and how the psyche evolves and interacts in this process, according to the external factors of human perception.

1 You hit the gym and meet others preparing for their competition.

1 Even when you meet with your trainer, you are socializing with him.

2 You help another with their dead lift, is socializing.

3 You talk about the supplementation with others is socializing.

2 Connecting with other fitness trainers or bodybuilders gives you motivation.

When your gym trainer motivates and companies you while doing the last rep is a motivation, which you get by socializing.

3 You workout as a team to feel more alpha.

When you workout in a team, you feel more confident and masculine.

So meet hard people, train hard and be hard like a rock.

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